DRH Poster

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Jul 26 08:36:49 EDT 2004

<div class="mail">
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<span id="from">
<dfn>From</dfn>: Lou Burnard <lou.burnard_at_computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
</span><br />
<span id="date"><dfn>Date</dfn>: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 13:36:49 +0100</span><br />

Would anyone like to collaborate on producing a poster about some 
<br />
Humanities-related aspect of TEI P5 for this year's DRH (Digital 
<br />
Resources and the Humanities) conference?
<br />

The local organizers are keen to get more posters, partly because this 
<br />
year there will be a PRIZE of some sort for the best one, and they want 
<br />
a good field to choose from.  It seems to me that in any case DRH is a 
<br />
venue well-disposed towards the TEI and it would be a very good thing to 
<br />
announce what progress has been made towards P5 there. A poster about 
<br />
the new msdescription chapter, for example, would be of great interest, 
<br />
as would a (preferably not too technical) discussion about the choice 
<br />
element -- but I'm sure there are plenty of other aspects of the ongoing 
<br />
TEI work that would be of interest to the DRH community.
<br />

I would offer to do it myself, (and if all else fails, then I suppose I 
<br />
will) but I am already down to present a paper at the conference on a 
<br />
different topic, which will be quite enough work thank you.
<br />

DRH will be held at the University of Newcastle 6-8 Sept, in the former 
<br />
kingdom of Northumbria -- a great opportunity for those whose knowledge 
<br />
of England has not yet expanded beyond the SouthEast. The website is 
<br />
<br />
<span id="received"><dfn>Received on</dfn> Mon Jul 26 2004 - 08:37:31 EDT</span>

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