requests for suggestions for P5 in other languages?

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at
Tue Jul 13 15:21:42 EDT 2004

<div class="mail">
<address class="headers">
<span id="from">
<dfn>From</dfn>: Sebastian Rahtz <>
</span><br />
<span id="date"><dfn>Date</dfn>: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:21:42 +0100</span><br />

Julia Flanders wrote:
<br />

<em class="quotelev1">> I'm drafting the first "chair's report" message and thinking about how 
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">> to encourage more input on P5. (Or at least, how to ensure that we get 
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">> all the input that wants to be received.)
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">>
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">> It occurs to me that language might conceivably pose a barrier for 
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">> some people in submitting suggestions for P5. Can anyone confirm this, 
</em><br />
<em class="quotelev1">> or reassure me that it's not the case?
</em><br />

In my experience,. anyone who feels strongly enough will write in their 
<br />
native language regardless.
<br />
I think the chances of there being someone who has read the material, 
<br />
and can't comment in (basic)
<br />
english, is remote. But wotthehell, no harm in mentioning it....
<br />

Sebastian Rahtz      Information Manager
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

<span id="received"><dfn>Received on</dfn> Tue Jul 13 2004 - 15:22:31 EDT</span>

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