post-call cleanup

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at
Fri Feb 6 05:23:06 EST 2004

M. J. Driscoll wrote:
 > In keeping
> with our original charge, what this "something" will be is 
> a set of recommendations for a single tagset capable of 
> representing both loosely structured and highly structured 
> descriptions which draws on MASTER and the work of the TEI-
> MMSS workgroup (with significant input from the David 
> Birnbaum's Repertorium project).
> For this, as 
> David Birnbaum has proposed, we feel we need to be re-
> chartered as a workgroup.

for P6, then, I assume?

I am assuming that we should spend workgroup funds in 2004 
on things that will appear in P5.

It is my belief, by the way (and I am curious to know 
whether others have it too) that the break between P4 and P5 
will not be repeated in P6. So, until proved otherwise, I 
assume that we design P6 and P7 to be compatible with P5,
simply introducing new modules. If you follow this, having a 
plan to release P6 in early/mid 2006 is not unreasonable.

But as you may all have noticed, I'm an impatient sort of 

Sebastian Rahtz      Information Manager
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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