P5 announcement on TEI-L?

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Nov 24 15:54:52 EST 2003

Good question -- to which I suspect the answer is no!

If we had a report from Nancy written, that might contain some 
discussion of the paper Sebastian, Syd, and I presented there. Probably 
a very good idea to get one done...

On the other hand, we have been banging on about the basic changes for 
some time now.


<p>C. Perry Willett wrote:
> I don't remember ever seeing a statement posted on TEI-L 
> explaining some of the decisions already made about P5, as
> well as the process and schedule for recommending changes. I 
> looked through the archive, but don't find one--has there 
> been an announcement to the general readership of TEI-L?
> Perry Willett
> Main Library
> Indiana University
> pwillett at indiana.edu

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