2003 Members meeting

Tomaz Erjavec tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si
Fri Aug 29 08:00:05 EDT 2003

Lou Burnard writes:
 > A draft programme for the members meeting is now available for your
 > comment on the website at http://www.tei-c.org/Members/2003-Nancy/
 > Thanks to Laurent, Peter, and Syd for helping get this together
 > There are still a few gaps to be filled, but the event is shaping up
 > nicely. A draft announcement to be sent to the usual lists follows (also
 > on the web at http://www.tei-c.org/Members/2003-Nancy/announce,txt)
 > Please read carefully for typos and ogther infelicities!

It looks like a very attractive program, congratulations to all
involved! I'll definitely try to come - it also seems the ISO/TEI FS
meeting might be adjoined.

The only comment I have is that the announcement distinguishes only
members and non-members; what about "individual subscribers"? Do they
pay attendance? Can they participate (not in voting of course) on
Saturday?  If there is a consistent policy (e.g. subscriber = member -
voting) then the text could just remain the same. Is there?

 > Note also that the intention is this year to provide written reports on
 > Council and Board activities *in advance of the meeting* rather than
 > spend time delivering same during the meeting. We should try to set a
 > realistic deadline for preparing these: how about 1 Oct as a first
 > approximation?

I will be away till 20th, so that sounds fine to me.

 >                        TEI Members Meeting 2003

 > Groups (BOFs) are also scheduled for this day: see separate announcement.

I have to ask: why BOF? And what are these SIGs?


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