news of a change

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at
Sat Mar 15 14:00:22 EST 2003

On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 04:37, John Unsworth wrote:
> You may have heard that I will be joining the University of Illinois as 
> dean of  the graduate school of library and information science, starting 
> in August.

coo. well done on the elevation!! I hope its fun in Illinois.

>  I think the sensible thing to do would be to ask Mike 
> Furlough to serve as host representative to the Board, since the Board's 
> main duty at the moment is recruiting, and since Mike can do that very 
> effectively as a member of the library community,

Obviously thats up to you (all at Virginia) as host, to decide who you
want to send to the Board. If you are recommending Mike Furlough, I am
sure he'll be the right person

>  and to ask Daniel Pitti 
> to chair the TEI Council, as the co-representative of Virginia, since he 
> has excellent experience in guiding community-based standards 
> development.  

Have you checked the bylaws here? My (brief) reading is that the 
TEI Board chair and one other member (currently me) 
are appointed to the council, and
that the Board then appoints a Chair of it. It is not clear whether
that Chair is already a member of the Council, but let's assume so.
In which case, Daniel could not be Chair, as he would not be a member.

I know this came up before with David Seaman, the idea that
Virginia has two reps on the Board (albeit with half votes each),
and it still seems odd to me. 

I would suggest that the Board should now consider consider afresh
who to nominate as the Council chair, and (until proved otherwise)
choose from the existing Council membership.

With regard to chairing the Board, I hope you *can* carry on a bit,
it would help a lot. Otherwise, the vice chair could take over duties?
Should we start discussing selecting a new chair from our number anyway?

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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