possible workgroup (agenda item)

John Unsworth jmu2m at virginia.edu
Thu Jan 9 15:46:57 EST 2003

I send this exchange with Patrick Durusau as an agenda item for our 
conference call.  I haven't heard back from Lou or Syd on this yet, but 
I've told Patrick we'd discuss it in the conference call.  He's proposing a 
workgroup to revise the P4 chapter on trees and graphs, for P5, focusing 
the revision on integration with SVG.   I'll be looking for your feedback 
on whether this is a good idea, whether Patrick's the right person to chair 
it, and so on.


>Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 09:56:44 -0500
>From: Patrick Durusau <pdurusau at emory.edu>
>Reply-To: pdurusau at emory.edu
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010914
>X-Accept-Language: en-us
>To: John Unsworth <jmu2m at virginia.edu>
>Subject: Re: TEI plans for 2003, topic maps, check? ;-)
>John Unsworth wrote:
>>Hi Patrick,
>>I've sent mail to Lou and Syd on the question of SVG and the trees/graphs 
>>chapter in the guidelines.  There is an overall push to bring P5 in line 
>>with recent xml-type standards, and this kind of a revision would fit 
>>with that goal; do  you see any obvious sources of funding for a 
>>workgroup in this area?
>Don't know how they would react but the W3C would be my first stop. Pitch 
>would be getting their standards used in other standards. Probably good 
>for some conference calling support and some of their technical gurus as 
>part of the working group.
>Otherwise, consider compiling a list of the implementors from: 
>http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/SVG-Implementations.htm8. Pitch here would 
>be that they would get greater publicity in the academic market.
>Do you have some rough guidelines for what it takes to support a working 
>group? Need to have some fixed items and costs so people will know what 
>their $$$ is buying.
>Big names from the SVG work, would be an obvious drawing card. Dean 
>Jackson spoke at the Unicode conference last Fall and was interested in 
>its use to do Egyptian Hieroglyphics so I suspect he may be a closet 
>academic. ;-)
>In general I would suggest drawing up a fairly aggressive (and limited) 
>scope for the work on say trees/graphs that would result in high 
>visibility short term results.
>Oh, ACM, Association of Computing Machinery or IEEE, since they both use a 
>lot of graphs/trees in their online publications or even Springer-Verlag 
>(they have used SGML for article/book mss. for years, might be interested 
>in incorporating SVG into their DTDs) or others in the STM area.
>Offer: If you can get someone to put together a rough budget and work 
>plan, I would be willing to put together the start of a contact list, 
>sometimes names and email addresses, sometimes just web addresses of 
>companies,  along with pitch outlines by category for say 50 possible 
>supporters for trees/graphs work by TEI.  After I send you the list, the 
>core TEI group looks to see who knows the people or firms listed. (On the 
>premise that personal contacts are more productive than cold calls.) I 
>would be willing to take on up to 15 contacts from the list for contacting 
>to support the new working group.
>Suggested calendar:
>1. Rough budget and work plan : March 31st (John)
>2. Rough contact list: March 31st (Patrick)
>3. Sorted contact list with assignments: April 30th (John/Patrick/core group)
>4. Reveiw contact progress and develop working group announcement: May 
>31st (John/Patrick/core group)
>5. Announce new working group, sponsors, etc.: June 30th (yes, corresponds 
>with end of 2nd quarter) (Consortium, perhaps some public event?)
>The real trick will be getting one of the principals behind the standard 
>to step up and we can shame the others into joining.
>>Thanks for the URL on the topicmap stuff--I have looked at it briefly, 
>>and I'll go back and spend more time on it as soon as I have some.
>FYI, the lead developer hopes to have it in shape to start inviting others 
>on board by late February.
>>And on the question of the honoraria for the ETE volume--those checks 
>>should by now be in the mail.
>New Topic:
>The American Bible Society is at least considering funding some major text 
>encoding and tools in the near future. Details are uncertain (at best) but 
>may include an annotation tool based solely upon XLink/XPointer. (Yes, you 
>can assume that Steve DeRose will be leading that effort.) Might be some 
>wiggle room to get some support for redrafting of the relevant sections 
>for P5 into that overall effort. Too early to tell but I will keep you advised.
>Hope the New Year is off to a great start!
>Patrick Durusau
>Director of Research and Development
>Society of Biblical Literature
>pdurusau at emory.edu

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