FW: conference call reminder, agenda and materials

C. Perry Willett pwillett at indiana.edu
Mon Nov 25 08:16:35 EST 2002

It's not my intent to exclude anyone (or any continent). Our
plan so far is to apply for grant funding from the US
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS: <http://www.imls.gov>),
with an application deadline of Feb.1.

I had assumed that this US Federal grant would exclude non-US
participants (as NEH grants do). However, the eligibility statement
for the IMLS grants states:

  "IMLS recognizes the potential for valuable contributions to the
  overall goals of National Leadership Grants by public, non-profit,
  non-US, and for-profit entities that do not meet the eligibility
  requirements below. Although such entities may not serve as the
  official applicants, they are encouraged to participate in projects
  as partners."

I'll send an email to the program officer at IMLS, but it sounds
like non-US librarians may be able to participate. The question
will be--can they receive IMLS funding?

Perry Willett
Main Library
Indiana University
pwillett at indiana.edu

<p><p>On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Burnard Towers wrote:

> Having now read through the email archive about this proposal, I am torn
> between delight at the proposed work plan and gloom at the fact that it
> doesn't seem to want to involve any non-N-American participation at all. I
> suppose we just dont have any digital library tei expertise on this side of
> the atlantic.

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