Fwd: Re: MEP dtd and documentation

John Unsworth jmu2m at virginia.edu
Sat Oct 26 19:11:55 EDT 2002

At 12:34 AM 10/27/2002 +0100, you wrote:

>What is there to discuss, John?  plainly we can store this stuff in the
>TEI archive (bearing in mind that the TEI does not *have* any form of
>secure archive), but what else? are we supposed to support it in some

<p>Well, at present we have no guidelines whatsoever on what we will do, under 
what conditions, for what sorts of tei-based, tei-derived, or tei-related 
products.  I think we should have some guidelines.  I don't think we should 
be offering to support them, other than by providing access to them and 
their documentation, and I don't think we ought to do more, on the archival 
front, than promise to keep them in the same place on the TEI web site for 
as long as that site exists, and if it ceases to exist, to make an effort 
to deposit all of its materials with a library or archive, in electronic 
form if possible, and in print if not.

So, with respect to guidelines, you've already suggested some questions for 

Should guidelines for deposit provide "a formal definition of what 
'conforming to the TEI' means" and should they require such 
conformance?   Should they stipulate that "a DTD which is supposed to be 
derived from the TEI [must] supply the set of extensions and entity 
definitions which define the difference"?  Etc..


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