agenda item for the november conference call

John Unsworth jmu2m at
Wed Oct 23 18:15:51 EDT 2002

One of the functions that the TEI Board has discussed as a possible 
activity of the Consortium, in past meetings, is the collection, 
dissemination, and preservation of DTDs and documentation of TEI-based 
projects (not the content, just the DTDs, encoding guides, maybe 
stylesheets or the like).  We have even discussed the possibility of trying 
to persuade the NEH to require deposit of this sort of material with TEI, 
along with the funding to support that activity.

On this topic, though all unbidden, Charles Faulhaber writes:

>The DTD for medieval manuscript transcription is now finished and is
>available, along with instructions on how to use it at:
>We would like to submit it formally for vetting by TEI in the hopes of
>having it adopted as an official DTD. We're pretty happy with it. I just
>wish that we had a good character set to go along with it.

David Chesnutt has also raised a similar question, with respect to the MEP 
DTD.  I'll ask David if he can direct the council to a web-presentation of 
his materials, and perhaps we could consider them both during our 
conference call, and make some recommendation to the Board about 
housing/adopting/endorsing them.


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