(no subject)

John Unsworth jmu2m at virginia.edu
Fri Jun 14 08:43:53 EDT 2002

TEI Conference Call, Monday, June 24, 2002:
questions, changes of assignment, or corrections to jmu2m at virginia.edu

         Syd Bauman, David Birnbaum, Lou Burnard, Matthew Driscoll, Tomaz 
         Fotis Jannidis, Merrilee Proffitt, Sebastian Rahtz, Geoff 
Rockwell, John Unsworth,
         Perry Willett, Christian Wittern

         David Durand, Laurent Romary

         At 8am EDT (5 am West Coast, 7 am Indiana, 2 pm Western Europe, 10 
pm Japan)
         call (812) 856-3550 and when prompted for a passcode enter 0612 
followed by the pound

Several Council members can only be available for an hour, so we'll 
conclude the call by 9 am EDT.  Our main topic of discussion for this 
meeting is P5, but I would like to deal (as quickly as possible) with other 
issues first, and I would like particular council members to take 
responsibility for certain parts of the discussion, so an overview of our 
agenda looks like this:

1.  Subcommittee reports (Matthew, Geoff; 10 minutes)
2.  P5, including workgroup reports (Sebastian? Christian, Lou? Merrilee, 
Matthew; 40 minutes)
3. Future business, next meeting, etc.(John, 10 minutes)

There are links, below, to material I would like everyone to review before 
the phone call: none of these items are long, but we will obviously not 
have time to read our way through them during the call.  If anyone would 
like the Council to review other documents before our discussion, please 
send them to me and I will put them up on the web, or send me a URL; if 
there are revisions or additions, I will circulate a revised version of 
this document before the conference call.  Sebastian, I'd like you to take 
responsibility for the discussion of core tags and schema in P5; Lou, since 
David Durand isn't likely to be able to make it, I'd like you to take 
responsibility for Xlink, Xpointer, Standoff Markup--and David, you should 
try to talk to Lou before the call, assuming he agrees to do this.


1. Review subcommittee reports on certification and training.   In 
particular, we need to approve (or otherwise respond to) the RFPs for 
training, one of which is connected to our October members' meeting, and 
needs to be circulated as soon as possible.

A. Subcommittee on Certification -- Matthew (5 minutes)
         Matthew Driscoll's interim report:

B. Subcommittee on Training, RFPs for approval -- Geoff (5 minutes)

         The general RFP (with a few corrections over the previous copy 
sent you):

         tei.ach.2003.training.rfp.xml - This is the RFP specific to the 
ACH conference:

         tei.Oct.2002.training.rfp.xml - This is the RFP specific to the 
Oct TEI meeting.

         Geoff Rockwell says: "The two specific ones have not yet been 
edited by the respective
         conference organizers. Specific details will change as we 
coordinate the RFPs with Bill
         and Peter. We send them to you so that the Board can approve them. 
(The October
         RFP needs to be approved in the near future so that we can 
advertise it.)"

<p>2. P5:

Background material:
         Revision of P4:
         (see particularly item 6 under "work to be done")
         Council Meeting Notes on the discussion of P5:
         Rules and Recommendations for Workgroups (revised 2002):

A. Core Tags and Schema (identified in our last Council meeting as the 
business of the Council) -- Sebastian? (10 minutes)

B. Character Encoding WG update -- Christian Wittern (10 minutes)
         Charge to the Character Encoding WG

C.  Stand-Off Markup, Xlink, Xpointer WG -- Lou? (10 minutes)
         Charge to the Stand-Off Markup, Xlink, Xpointer WG:
         David's May update:

D.  Medieval MSS description -- Merrilee, Matthew (10 minutes)

<p>3.  Next meeting, assignments, future business -- John  (10 minutes)

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