NEH workgroup

John Unsworth jmu2m at
Tue Mar 5 22:09:52 EST 2002

Since there's been no further discussion on the question of the chair for 
the NEH workgroup, and no dissent from the suggestion that Chris be 
appointed chair, I'm going to go ahead and appoint her, on behalf of the 
Council, and pass along to her the names of other volunteers, and our 
recommendations with respect to them.  I haven't forgotten that I still 
need to come up with a formal charter for this group (and for our other two 
existing workgroups): I'll be travelling from March 7-15, and on jury duty 
after that, but some time this month I will circulate a draft of the 
charter here, and then when it's approved, I'll pass it along to Chris.

Thanks for your help in all of this,


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