NEH workgroup (vote required)

John Unsworth jmu2m at
Mon Mar 4 12:11:52 EST 2002

At 08:14 AM 3/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>A tardy response (apparently I being in the Pacific Time Zone is a 
>Having worked with Sally Thomas, I can say that she is not qualified to 
>participate in this group, and move that her name be removed from the 
>list.  I can give a long diatribe, or you can trust me on this.  I would 
>not want to inflict her on our chair, and I think someone else who 
>represents the interests of UC could be located.

Duly noted.  I will remove her from the list of recommended participants.

<p>>I think Chris would do a great job chairing the group.

It's looking like Chris may be our unanimous choice.


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