EDW54 (please review)

Fotis Jannidis fotis.jannidis at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Jan 18 17:28:51 EST 2002

just a few comments / proposals: 

"(The TRC may discharge work groups which are making no progress on their work items, in order to be able to form a new work group which will, it is hoped, have greater 

Maybe the guidelines for discharging a working group should be more formalized; this way it is a rather formal process to decide whether a working group should be 
discharged and nothing personal. Something like: The TRC should discharge work groups which are inactive for a year or longer; a working group is inactive if in this time it 
doesn't publish a working paper or a working draft or if there are no reports to the TEI's technical review committee. 


"those listed as full members of the work group will be named in the acknowledgements to the Guidelines" 

I am not sure I understand the difference between a full member and a (temporary?) member. If I understand it correctly in the rest of this section, the text is always talking 
about "full member" and maybe this should be done explicitly.


"Members of work groups may attend (at their own expense) meetings of any TEI work group; they may participate in the discussion if allowed by the head of the host work 

This seems to be a contradiction to the rule, that all TEI members have a right to participate in work group discussions: 

"All participants in the TEI (members of the TEI executive committee, members of the TRC, members and heads of other work groups, and the official representatives of 
affiliated projects) have a right to attend work group meetings (at their own cost), and participate in the discussion."

So the second part of the sentence in the first quote could be deleted. 


"Public documents will normally be placed on TEI file servers; TEI-internal documents will be made available to TEI participants by the TEI central secretariat upon request."

replace with: 

"TEI-internal documents will be made available to TEI participants in the members only section of the TEI file servers."


"In particular, the status description should indicate:"

add: If there exists one, a link should be added which points to an earlier paper on this subject created by this working group or handed in by some external group. (Quite 
like the w3c recommendations). 

Maybe the status information should be included into the completed text of the guidelines to allow backtracking of changes and discussions?


The TEI should offer a defined way to make a public comment on some working draft or part of the guidelines (maybe there is one already?). =>
Include in the boilerplate of each working draft and into the section [Front matter] of the complete guidelines something like 

"Comments on this specification may be sent to [list at name]; archives of the comments are <link>available</link>."

list at name can be TEI-L or TEI-TECH and there should be some specified way how to mark in the subject line what part of the guidelines, what working draft or what paper 
is addressed by this comment. Example: 
Subj.: [The TEI Header] comment


"The head of the work group must file a written progress report with the TEI executive committee every six months."

Is this report supposed to be public (+1)? Or only accessible by TEI members? 


"Some work groups avoid tagging specific examples because the members don't feel comfortable with SGML tagging. [...], but you do need at least that much."

Replace this paragraph with something like

"All work groups should provide simple examples for each feature (element, attribute etc.) discussed."

The w3c has the policy to promote a recommendation from the status 'candidate recommendation' to 'recommendation' only if there is at least one full implementation. This 
kind of reality check sounds like a good idea.

<p><p><p>Fotis Jannidis

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