Re: You asked for it!

Eric Watt Forste (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 18:29:15 -0700

Evan Leeson writes:
> I read the passage I quoted next to yours as epitemological critique.

And it was a good solid one. But epistemology is the study of
knowledge, and let's face it, as N himself acknowledges in his
Truth and Lie in the Amoral Sense (see, not only do I complain
about citing unpublished work, I also cite unpublished work
myself), knowledge *is* a delicate fabric in the human nervous
system that preserves itself through imperfect self-transmission
from generation to generation (via education, not genes) and
grows by fits and starts.

> yours in the spirit of inquiry and entirely devoid of any animosity
> or my dick is bigger than yours sentiment

One problem with this list is that most of the people who are
worth talking to shrink back vigorously from the sort of
polemics that you'd think most people who enjoy reading N would
enjoy reading, and most of the people who are eager to engage in
such polemics are not worth talking to. (I count myself in the
latter category, and Leeson in the former.)

"Just a thought. Just a juxtaposition. Hey, I'm not trying to
prove anything over here. Nur narr, nur dichter!"

Eric Watt Forste ++ ++ expectation foils perception -pcd

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