Re: Lesbians Talking "Sex"

John T. Duryea (
Sat, 24 May 1997 11:55:20 -0700

Zoroaster wrote:
> > > Sex is one of the very great mysteries of life and
> > > Nietzsche states quite cleary that sexuality goes to
> > > the highest level of a human's soul. You can put two
> > > individuals of the same sex in a room together for
> > > 20 years and they could do everything from murdering
> > > each other to creating an anti-gravity machine, but,
> > >
> > > John T. Duryea
> Are you suggesting then that homosexuals are then asexual? This makes no
> sense because it presupposes that one defines "sex" in this exact way, and
> many people (myself included) wouldn't define sex in this way.
> Masturbation is sexual activity, and it technically involves same sex
> contact (both parties just happen to be the same person). Human sexuality
> is a many splendored thing, and I don't think that it can be compressed
> into a narrow dictionary definition.
> --- from list ---

As Miss Piggy used to so very well put it..."Moi?". I have a personal
bias againt Rationalism because I had the misfortune of being taught
right from wrong by my parents ("the time is out of joint..."). Any
reading of history in the last 200 years has to conclude with total
certaintude that...a Rationalist can rationalize ANYTHING!!

I take offense against Rationalism because it is both RACIST
and SEXIST!!!

Let's first look at racist. Rationalism defines an individual
as to what race they belong to. This is insanity (listen up
skinheads!), what is supremely important is NOT what race one
belongs to, what IS supremely important is whether one POSSESS
race. By failing to value this distinction, by degrees, Rationalism
becomes prejudiced and discriminates against those that possess
race. Indeed, Rationalism uses race as a means of artifically
creating groups (Hispanic??) and then continuously fostering
conflict between these groups while behind the scenes quite
different agendas are pursued.

Before examining the implication that "I" am the one who
does not recognize activity between individuals of the same sex
as "sharing sex" or "having sex", lets look briefly at my earlier
contention that money is not real. By the law of the land, this
is absolutely true, the law makes a very sharp and very strong
differentiation between a man's money and his "real" estate.
An example, if you do not feel your life is in danger and an
individual attempts to rob you of your money (be it 10 cents
or 5 trillion dollars) and you use deadly force and succeed you
will be guilty of murder. Period. If you are in your house
and an intruder breaks in, by the law of the land, you may then
legally terminate his intrusion with extreme prejudice. Period.

The important thing about sex is not to be born into a sex,
the important thing is to BE SEXUAL. By the law of the land, two
individuals of the same sex cannot have sex. Along similar lines,
by the law of the land, two individuals of the same sex cannot
marry. For a marriage to be valid it must be consummated, and that
cannot happen between two individulas of the same sex.

Money in the grand sense is the world outlook, the means of
apprehending and valing, of the late, urban intellect. For two
individuals of the same sex to have an activity that is considered
sex is in the final analysis part and parcel of the same _stupid_
world outlook, Rationalism.

Your friendly physiognomic sceptic.

John T. Duryea

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