Re: Lesbians Talking "Sex"

Zoroaster (
Sat, 24 May 1997 04:37:15 -0500

> > Sex is one of the very great mysteries of life and
> > Nietzsche states quite cleary that sexuality goes to
> > the highest level of a human's soul. You can put two
> > individuals of the same sex in a room together for
> > 20 years and they could do everything from murdering
> > each other to creating an anti-gravity machine, but,
> >
> > John T. Duryea

Are you suggesting then that homosexuals are then asexual? This makes no
sense because it presupposes that one defines "sex" in this exact way, and
many people (myself included) wouldn't define sex in this way.
Masturbation is sexual activity, and it technically involves same sex
contact (both parties just happen to be the same person). Human sexuality
is a many splendored thing, and I don't think that it can be compressed
into a narrow dictionary definition.

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