Re: [sixties-l] Takin' It to the Streets

From: Jeffrey Blankfort (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 21:55:58 CUT

  • Next message: Maria Bruno: "Re: [sixties-l] Takin' It to the Streets"

    The problem with the general histories and recollections of the Sixties
    that get into print is that not that they are US-Centric, but that with
    the exceptions of the more notable events of the Civil Rights Movement,
    a recognition of the Panthers, and Malcolm, they tend to ignore, like
    the mainstream media, significant events that took place in America;s
    black communities. Two examples come immediately to mind. First, in
    Berkeley, there is the well-publicized record of the Reagan calling out
    the National Guard during the struggle over People's Park which vets of
    the movement still talk about. There is nary a mention, however, of Gov.
    Pat Brown, Jerry's father, sending the National Guard to occupy the
    black ghettos of Hunters Point and the Fillmore in 1966, following a
    shootout with the SFPD in the former.

    Another untold story is what happened in Wilmington, Delaware, following
    the murder of MLK Jr. The governor called out the national guard to
    quell the city's angry black citizenry and, at least eight years, later,
    I remember reading a small item noting that they were still there. When
    did they leave? I don't know and the story was ignored by the
    alternative media as it was by the mainstream. Delaware is like a
    country almost unto itself, controlled by DuPont with its puppet,
    Liberal Warmonger Biden, on a string. There seems to be some control
    over stories that come out of there, but the military occupation of a US
    city for that period of time should have been something East Coast
    movement members paid attention to.

    Jeff Blankfort

    > Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 06:42:43 -0400
    > From: "Jay Moore" <>
    > Subject: Re: [sixties-l] Takin' It to the Streets
    > Dear Alex,
    > Ron Jacobs and I have using your and Wini Breines's book as the core text
    > for our popular Sixties course at the University of Vermont. It's a damn
    > good book for the U.S. movements (and which even mentions the evil goings on
    > with the "Vietnam Project" at my old alma mater, Michigan State). I don't
    > have any suggestions for adding or subtracting texts from what you've got.
    > We'll almost certainly use your book again at least one more time. I guess,
    > however, what I am looking for at this point, in thinking through the
    > experiences with the class, is another book altogether. I also teach World
    > History, and I'm getting very dissatisfied with teaching the Sixties course
    > in a U.S.-centric kind of format, when, as we all know, what happened in the
    > Sixties was a truly Global Revolution with many things ricocheting off other
    > things all over the place in space and time. Unfortunately, the student
    > doesn't get that sense from your book much at all. Maybe, the Listees all
    > need to collaborate on what might be the essential pieces for a truly
    > global compendium of primary sources on the Sixties. Just about every
    > Sixties book I know, with perhaps one or two exceptions like Tariq Ali's
    > book on 1968, is the same way.
    > best,
    > jay moore

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