Re: [sixties-l] a plea (Horowitz replies)

Date: Wed Jun 14 2000 - 18:00:20 CUT

  • Next message: Tony Edmonds: "Re: [sixties-l] Re:Vietnam War"

    re Ted and David.
     Now David is trying to set leftist against leftist. Let me explain what I
    meant by describing the Panthers as turning pure criminal in the early 70's.
    Of course they still engaged in political activity but their illegal activity
    grew significantly and was no longer taking place just to support their
    political program. In the 60's they were revolutionaries and there has never
    a revolution violent or non - violent that did not frequently break the law.
    But the stuff that started happening in the 70's was of a different caliber -
    drug dealing, night club owning, prostitution etc - and the money wasn't all
    going to support the politics. Criminal acts were being committed for their
    own sake. This is widely known and it is described to some extent in David
    Hilliard's autobiography. David Horowitz became involved with Panthers in
    their criminal phase. It's true nobody was writing about this stuff at the
    time. But lots of radicals were talking about it and breaking their
    connection with the Party. David was friends with these people and it might
    have occurred to him to ask them why they were all leaving. It seems
    impossible to have been as close to Huey Newton as Horowitz was and not know
    that he was addicted to cocaine and high living. Surely Horowiz must have had
    some suspicions?
      In another post David exposes me as some who once wrote that I thought John
    Dillinger was a great revolutionary. I certainly wrote that, but David might
    have added that I was also a founding Yippie with something of a sense of
    humor. I once ran for Sheriff of Alameda County and challenged my opponent to
    a duel. I don't think that back then even David thought I was serious.
    Stew Albert

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