Re: sixties-l-digest V1 #69

Sun, 9 Nov 1997 13:42:06 -0500 (EST)

Re : What did Bobbie say and when did he say it.

I wrote that I thought that Bobbie Seale had said "Up against the wall,
motherfuckers, we've come for what's ours"..NOT..."this is a stickup'."

David E. Bell replied..

>I don't know what your source is for your version, but I personally heard
>Bobbie use the "this is a stickup" version on several occasions.

Can't argue with that memory! I wonder if my version comes from Newsreels
"Black Panther" film"? Or did it just come from my own head? Back then I
might have thought "we've come for what's ours" was a good addition to
the old stickup mans command? Hmmm, how else have I changed history???

Paul McIsaac <>