E. Thadeus Flood's papers on Thailand

John Fournelle (johnf@GEOLOGY.WISC.EDU)
Mon, 2 Dec 96 07:11:53 CST

Does anyone know if the papers of E. Thadeus Flood, who did extensive
research on Thailand and particularly the modern day U.S. involvement
there, are located in any univeristy or research institution's archives?

John Fournelle
Electron Microprobe Lab office: (608) 262-7964
Dept of Geology & Geophysics fax: (608) 262-0693
University of Wisconsin home: (608) 274-2245
1215 West Dayton St. email: johnf@geology.wisc.edu
Madison, WI 53706
Personal http://geology.wisc.edu/~johnf/
Probe lab http://geology.wisc.edu/~johnf/sx51.html

"The first rule of all intelligent tinkering is to save all the pieces."
Aldo Leopold