graphic counter on line

Mark W. Manley (mwm3q@jm.acs.Virginia.EDU)
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 16:41:08 -0500

This applies to the VFH people, but any other group that wants
it can ask. I have compiled and installed a graphical counter
program on minerva in the VFH's homepage directory. The counter
can be seen on the second page of the VFH site where the main
links are. You are free to change the picture and the wording of
the counter by downloading new picture GIF files. They go inside
the /public_html/counter directory. You must also adjust the
pixel size according the specifications laid out in the README
file in that directory.

Sorry it took so long. I ran into problems compiling the C
program that displays it because minerva uses AIX 3.2.4 and not
3.2.5, which through the gcc compiler for a loop. I was able to
compile it with IBM's C compiler, however. Hopefully, it will
work for some.

NOTE: Minerva's AIX will be upgraded sometime in January.
Anyone who is maintaining this page then will have to recompile
the program by going into the "public_html/fly" directory and
typing the command "make" to recompile.