SOLAR people - take note!

Mark W. Manley (mwm3q@jm.acs.Virginia.EDU)
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 20:27:55 -0500

SOLAR people, your form script is now complete. Here's a quick
run down on how it works:

When the user inputs the data into the form, it gets processed
twice. First, the input goes into a data file in a "submits"
directory inside where the other html files are. To get there,
telnet into monticello and type "cd submits" at the prompt. I
placed a symbolic link to automatically take you to the correct
directory, which is "/www/doc/Ed/SOLAR/submits". The file naming
goes as follows. It takes the person's email id (eg "mwm3q" from
my address "") and then appends a number to end
to separate the different entries. If I submitted two plans, the
output files will be called "mwm3q1.dat" then "mwm3q2.dat" and so
on. I also put an error checker to make sure all fields except
for the option comments field are filled in. If not, the script
returns an error message and does not write a file. You are
extremely free to edit the error message screen to whatever you
all want. The HTML file is called "error.msg" and lies inside
the "/www/doc/Ed/SOLAR" directory.

If you have any more requests for the script or any questions
about anything, please email me directly.