Re: WC site progress (read it!) II

Paola Andrea Sanmiguel (
Sun, 10 Nov 1996 20:35:10 -0500 (EST)


I have the addresses that the women's center gave us for other womne's
centers around the country. What kinds of other things do we wantt to put
on there, I will be glad to surf the net looking for stuff.

Monday night is fine with me to meet in my room (have a computer) and I
also have the entire color palettes for web browses, shouldn't take us
that long.

We can polish the background a little, but it is really fine tunning that
it is lacking, not a great big deal.

Tell me if you want to meet tomorrow night. Basically anytime after 8 pm
and before 10 is great. Even after 10 if there is a huge conflict. I live
in Bronw college, LONG portal, room 306.

In case you want to check the new women's center page, it is not linked up
to the current page since it is under construction, but it can be accessed
at the following address:

Keep in mind that it is only a rough draft right now. Lots of work to be
done, specially in the color scheme area.

In terms of the data entry, why don't we divide it all up (including as
many volunteers at the center as possible) and type it in that way.
Kevin, just let us know what file format to use.

Maybe tomorrow night we can work on the structure of the info and referral
section as well as on the color scheme. How's the engine coming along?
Are we downloading the engine on Jefferson and applying it to this?

see ya tomorrow night?


shifting the dream
nothing could bring me further from my old friend time
shifting the dream
charging the scene
i know where I marked the signs
suffer the dreams of a world gone mad
i like it that way and I know it
i know it well, ugly and sweet
a temper man who said believe in his dream

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