WC site progress (read it!)

See more glass (ktt4d@faraday.clas.virginia.edu)
Sun, 10 Nov 1996 15:07:48 -0500 (EST)

There's a little bit more stuff up for the WC page, including
the counseling section and some of the "Links" section (stolen
from the current WC page). This leads to a few questions/

1) Have the ENWR 201 students written the introductory
paragraph yet? We should get welcome.html in tip-top form ASAP.

2) We need to straighten out a color scheme for this whole
thing. Why don't we meet in someone's room who has a computer
on Monday or Tuesday night.

3) I put text for a link on the nav-in frame for "Contact the
WC." Should this be a mailto link, a link to a page with
extensive contact info and then also a mailto link, a form page
(like the current page), or what? What is the Center's e-mail

Should the contact stuff be included under another section?

4) I'm going to need some (OK, a LOT) of help figuring out how
to structure the Info&Ref page and doing the data entry for
it. I'm going to contact the Center's volunteer co-ordinater
and see if she can get us any help with that. I'm going
probably tommorrow to photocopy the paper info that they have.

5) Are we going to include navigational links at the bottoms of
pages to accomodate NOFRAMES viewers?

6) For the links page, we should have more stuff.

Kevin Troy