Re: Glazier's -E-

Alison Carroll Wellford (
Wed, 2 Oct 1996 19:47:25 -0400 (EDT)

I wanted to clarify my first letter, and apologize for
pummeling you with these superflous notes.
It seems that after the first few sentences, an entire
paragraph was left off. I was talking about the signficance of
the title and then suddenly go on to talk about the
self-referential text. Basically what I was talking about was
sort of an instant add water method to getting a meaning out of
poetry. Basically look for repetition and see where it takes
you. So the first repitious thing I saw was the "freedom of
movement" that Glazier refers to. Glazier seems to be explore
spacial relations, through his very sensory language that
explores contours of objects and processes, and via the
hypermedium he works in.
Not a particularily mind-bending observation, but important if
you wanted to know what the hell I was talking about in the
previous letter.
I wish that my unadultered letter was not abducted by the
server, otherwise you could have received the letter in a nice
cohesive package. oh well.