dhcs: "straw man" curriculum

From: andrea laue (akl3s@cms.mail.virginia.edu)
Date: Sat Dec 08 2001 - 11:33:12 EST

  • Next message: Tom Horton: "Re: dhcs: "straw man" curriculum"

    Good morning all,

    In our final meeting of the semester, we will discuss a "straw man"
    curriculum proposed by Geoff and Worthy as well as the topics of
    digitization and sampling. Below you'll find the proposed
    curriculum. Soon Geoffrey will post a message detailing the readings
    available on toolkit.



    Knowledge Representation: A Straw Curriculm (for burning)

    1. The context of this straw curriculum

    In our discussions so far we have looked at a number of topics that
    could be covered in the KR course for the Digital Humanities M.A.
    program. Many of these topics are so interesting that they could
    consume the whole year for which reason we decided to devote the Dec.
    12th meeting to reviewing the course as a whole. The questions we can
    consider are:

    1.1 What are the objectives of the KR course within the whole
    program? What absolutely needs to be covered in the course and what
    might be covered in other courses or not at all?

    1.2 Of the topics that can be covered, what is the best order? What
    is the logic of the order?

    1.3 What should be the relationship between hands-on training in the
    course and theoretical/historical discussion? Should there be a
    training component and if so how should it connect to the content of
    the course?

    1.4 What are the implications of the design of the KR course on the
    other courses (the Design course and the Software Engineering course)?

    1.5 What remaining issues are there that have come out of the
    discussion that need to be kept in mind?

    1.6 How can the work of the KR seminar be appropriately gathered and
    made available to those who teach the course or take it?

    What follows are possible answers to these questions:

    2. Proposed objectives

    One of the objectives of the program is to produce students who can
    design, implement, and report on a humanities computing project of
    the sorts that IATH has pioneered. To do this they need to be aware
    of the variety of projects that are interesting hc projects; they
    need to have the theoretical background to understand and discuss
    them; they need to be aware of the tools and techniques typically
    used in such projects, they should be able to appropriately use a
    subset of tools and techniques; they need to be able to design a
    project and work with others to see it through; they need to be able
    to talk and write about a project; and they need to have a sense of
    they hc community in which they will participate.

    In other words the program is project oriented and the courses should
    be designed to lead them to the point where they can do a thesis
    project that uses humanities computing in their field. The logic of
    the courses, order of courses, and order of topics within the KR
    course could be structured around the development cycle of an ideal
    hc project. In this model the courses would work like this:

    2.1 The Design course would (among other things) expose the students
    to a variety of projects so that they have a sense of what can be
    done. The course would give them a sense of the outcomes since well
    designed projects have to keep outcomes in mind. When looking at the
    case studies the students would review not just the final product,
    but also how the project developed and what problems were encountered
    in order to give them a sense of realistic project cycles.

    2.2 The KR course would then be designed to take the students through
    one ideal project in great detail. The order of topics would follow
    the order of activities that one does in a project. (More on this

    2.3 The Software Engineering course would deal explicitly with the
    design, management and development of projects reflecting back on the
    projects studied in the design course and the ideal project followed
    in the KR course in order to prepare students to successfully do a
    digital humanities project for their thesis.

    In effect this curriculum is designed to take students through a
    project cycle repeatedly before they get to their thesis. In the
    first course they look at a number of projects, in the KR course they
    go through the steps looking at the issues in detail and in the SE
    course they reflect on the process.

    3. The Knowledge Representation Course

    The KR course would follow (or run in tandem with) a design or case
    studies course where students are exposed to a representative sample
    of humanities computing projects - both their design and their
    implementation history. The KR course would recapitulate the order of
    implementation of an ideal project. For each topic there would be
    readings that provide the theoretical, historical and technical
    background needed. Certain topics would accompanied by technical

    The order of topics could be:

    3.1 Knowledge Representation - An introduction to thinking about what
    one can represent digitally about a phenomenon of interest to
    humanities research. Students would think about what are the objects
    of study, how they are related, and how the knowledge can be
    represented digitally. Students would write project proposals and
    specifications that describe the purpose and outcomes of a digital
    humanities project.

    3.2 Digitization - How to represent the artefacts of interest to the
    Humanities on a computer in digital form. Students would learn about
    digitizing texts, images, audio and video materials for use in a
    project. Special attention would be paid to the issue of digitizing
    texts including OCR and data entry. Students would scan a work of
    interest to produce digital images and use OCR to produce an ASCII

    3.3 Markup and Enrichment - How to enrich digitized materials with
    knowledge about the materials. How to add markup to enrich the
    digitized materials. Special attention to TEI markup of electronic
    texts. Students would markup the e-text produced in 3.2 following the
    TEI guidelines.

    3.4 Data Structures - How to structure collections of digital
    representations using different data structures. How to use databases
    to organize information. Students would design a database to manage
    the scanned images and textual information.

    3.5 Transformation of Data - How to transform structured data using
    databases and style sheets. Students would use their databases to
    manipulate the information and XSL as an alternative way to transform
    XML texts.

    3.6 Programming - How to write programs to process information and
    analyze it. What can we learn from digital information by processing
    it. Students would write cgi-programs to access the databases they
    created or programs to process the e-texts they created. They would
    learn a language like Python or Ruby.

    3.7 Interface Design - How to create effective interfaces to digital
    research information. Students would learn to use Flash as an
    interface design tool that can display xml passed from a database or
    server-side program.

    3.8 Testing, Maintenance and Documention - How to test a digital
    humanities system. How to make sure it can be maintained and how to
    document it so that it can be used and maintained. Students would
    write reports and documentation for users as part of the interface.

    It is possible that by the end of this course students will have
    digitized texts, entered the texts into a database, designed an
    interface in xhtml or Flash, written cgi programs to connect the
    interface to the database/e-texts and written a report documenting
    the process.

    I have left out of this outline the broader intellectual issues that
    would be discussed in the context of these topics. For example, in
    the programming module the students should be reading about the
    history of programming, logic and algorithms, types of programming
    languages and so on.

    4. Technical Training

    We have discussed the question of what do the students need to know
    about programming and other technical subjects. In this model the
    technical subjects covered in associated workshops would be:

    4.1 Digitizing (and OCR) - 1 day

    4.2 XML Markup with TEI - 5 days

    4.3 Databases with mySQL - 3 days

    4.4 XSL and CSS - 2 days

    4.5 Programming with Ruby - 10 days

    4.6 Flash - 5 days

    This assumes they know XHTML, are comfortable with computers in
    general and know enough Unix to get around.

    On the question of programming the students need to know the

    4.7 The language of programming (including the variety of programming
    languages). This is so that they can interact with programmers.

    4.8 What programs and databases can do. This can be taught by example
    (here are cases of things that particular combinations of programs
    and data can do for humanists.) Or it can be taught by teaching
    students to program.

    While it would seem that we can actually get students to the point
    where they can participate in a "Management of Large Design Projects"
    course by doing only 4.7 and 4.8 - without in depth programming, I
    would like to offer other reasons for teaching programming in
    sufficient depth:

    4.9 Without sufficient programming experience students could not do
    interesting projects without the money to hire a programmer. We want
    to produce students who can, if unfunded, still implement projects.
    This recognizes the reality that part of the culture of the
    humanities is to be self-sufficient.

    4.10 Programming skill would give these students a valuable asset and
    an alternative career path. A responsible program should, wherever
    possible, maximize the career paths open to graduates.

    4.11 Programming is actually one of the few things that a typical
    humanities graduate student could not learn on their own. What we
    really are teaching when we teach programming is how to learn to
    program so that they can keep on learning if they need to. A humanist
    has learned how to learn things like markup languages, history of
    computing, digitization, and transformation. They typically don't
    know how to learn something like programming. By teaching them
    programming once we are preparing them to be able to learn new
    computing skills as they need to of a different sort.

    Other Technical Skills

    In addition to the skills that accompany the course workshops on
    other topics could be arranged. They might cover:

    Photoshop for Digital Image Manipulation, Setting Up A Linux Box as a
    DH Server, Digital Audio and Video,

    5. What is missing from this curriculum?

    The outline of topics above does not deal with a number of topics in
    the original list, but many of the topics not covered could be woven
    in if there is time. The following topics might be difficult to
    integrate either because of the logic of the proposal or because they
    would take too long to do:

    5.1 What is a computer? A discussion of computers, OSes, and so on.
    This could go between 3.1 and 3.2.

    5.2 Multimedia Manipulation and Design - the module on interface
    would not cover image processing, visualization, and digital video,
    though it could introduce them.

    5.3 MOOs and Internet Communities - A MOO could be set up as an
    extension of the course to create a community of students, alums, and

    5.4 Natural Language Processing and AI

    5.5 Games and Instructional Technology

    5.6 Time Modelling

    5.7 Print as KR

    6. Implications for other courses.

    We discussed the Software Engineering course. Worthy Martin suggested
    it could be called Management of Large Design (MLD) projects course.
    As such it would nicely follow the KR course (setting aside the
    programming issue) in that KR would take them through a typical
    project slowly so that they could make mistakes on the way which
    would become fodder for the MLD course. In the MLD course they would
    sit back and think about how projects should go, especially when the
    projects are big.

    On the issue of programming, this proposal is a compromise between
    the let-them-learn-it-on-their-own view and a full semester
    programming course. The idea is to introduce mySQL, Ruby and Flash in
    appropriate doses in the KR course. Java could be taught in a
    non-credit course in the summer or the Fall of the second year.

    We discussed the possibility of a MLD course that could be attractive
    to both CS and DH students. The idea would be that students would be
    formed into teams with the DH students acting as clients, content
    experts or managers/designers and the CS students acting as
    programmers and software engineers. The course could thus benefit CS
    by providing appropriate interdisciplinary experience while also
    giving the DH students a chance to actually practice working with
    computer scientists.


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