dhcs: schedule

From: andrea laue (akl3s@cms.mail.virginia.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 00:16:49 EST

  • Next message: Andrea K. Laue: "dhcs: readings"

    Hello all,

    Here are a few updates and revisions to the schedule.

    November 28: Interface and Navigation. Phil Gochenour. No changes
    to schedule.

    December 12: Geoffrey and Worthy will present their proposal for a
    syllabus for the KR seminar. In addition, I believe Geoffrey and
    John will report on their experiences at the recent Humanities
    Computing Curriculum conference.

    January 18: Matt Kirschenbaum visits. 10 AM - noon.

    February 1: Trevor Harris visits. 10 AM - noon.

    April 22: Selmer Bringsjord visits. Time TBA.

    Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.


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