dhcs invitation: sowa talk

From: Andrea K. Laue (akl3s@cms.mail.virginia.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 21:45:41 EDT

  • Next message: Andrea K. Laue: "dhcs: cocoa"

    Dear Colleagues,

    You are cordially invited to attend a special DHCS meeting this Friday,
    October 26. John Sowa will deliver a brief talk and then will field
    questions about his work. Mr. Sowa will be talking about general
    principles of knowledge representation, but he will be gearing his talk
    towards humanities scholars. More specifically, we have asked Mr. Sowa to
    address the issue of teaching knowledge representation to graduate
    students in the humanities. The meeting will run from 10 AM to noon in
    Clemons 201.

    Mr. Sowa has provided links to the papers that will serve as a basis for
    his talk. Please read as much as you can by Friday. He will focus on
    numbers 1 and 2: <http://www.jfsowa.com/ontology/guided.htm>.

    From Mr. Sowa's Web site: "John F. Sowa spent thirty years working on
    research and development projects at IBM and another seven years teaching,
    writing, and consulting. He has an SB degree in mathematics from MIT, an
    AM in applied mathematics from Harvard, and a DSc in computer science from
    the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is a fellow of the American Association
    for Artificial Intelligence, and he has participated in standards projects
    for conceptual schemas, knowledge sharing, and ontology."


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