dhcs readings

From: Andrea K. Laue (akl3s@cms.mail.virginia.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 07:06:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andrea K. Laue: "dhcs announcement: speakers"

    Good morning all,

    Below you'll find John's list of readings for our next meeting. These are
    all on the Web, so no Toolkit this time.



    Data Structures:

    Lots of time? Read all of the following. Very little time? Read 2, 3

    1. "Data Modeling: Finding the Perfect Fit" http://www.islandnet.com/~tmc/html/articles/datamodl.htm

    2. "A Gentle Introduction to SGML:" http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/bin/tei-tocs?div=DIV1&id=SG

    3. "A Gentle Introduction to Relational and Object-Oriented Databases" http://www.uk.research.att.com/~fms/db/tr-98-2.pdf

    4. "After the Fall: Structured Data at IATH" http://www.iath.virginia.edu/~jmu2m/ach98.html

    5. "Refining our Notion of What Text Really Is: The Problem of Overlapping Hierarchies" http://www.stg.brown.edu/resources/stg/monographs/ohco.html

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