Re: hereupo exequie

From: Dag Cannata <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 11:05:31 +0100

a very unwholesome smile as he looked over at Madonette. I groped for

Do you have any idea of what he is babbling about? Tremearne asked.
You are cruel, I said, smacking my dry lips together and feeling a
No. Great fun.
happens next depends upon you.
corner. Which put us directly on the route to the red brick lodgings
coal-mining music? Or Aqua Regia and her Plutonium Pals?
and saw that he was smiling. He put the cold cloth back onto my
Exactly what?
closed the door behind him as he left.
That bloke, as you refer to him, is one of the finest and most

Received on Mon Dec 04 2006 - 05:05:25 EST

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