Microcap Idea for You

From: philly avocado <urmamashouse13_at_aol.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:50:08 +0100

now come to the brief and pleasant task of pointing out its virtues. The
Seems kind o providential, havin so much money come to you just now, when your sister-in-laws jest died, and left you the first time in your life without anybody you got to stay and see to, dont it? commented the neighbor persistently.
He went away blindly into the darkest part of the cellar. It was very black there, but his eyes stared wide before him. It was very cold, but drops of sweat stood on his forehead as if he were in the hayfield. He was alone, but his lips moved from time to time, and once he called out in some loud, stifled exclamation which resounded hollowly in the vault-like place. He was there a long time.
is not a very copious language, and so when youve really got anything to

Received on Tue Oct 31 2006 - 01:04:48 EST

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