Re: [adhoc] sterling-based accounting

From: John Unsworth <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 08:25:31 -0500


That's extremely useful, and corrects some errors in my attempt, most
notably the blithe (and unexamined) assumption that all income from
subscription came straight to the associations. Of course, OUP has
costs that come off the top, so your figures on income to the
associations are lower than mine (and more plausible). One result of
that is that the income from "other" isn't sufficient to carry the
costs of central activities, so I withdraw the suggestion that we
might use that income in that way -- let's do what you have outlined,
and distribute it by percentage, and then take the central costs out
before the final distribution to the associations. To the costs of
the print and ejournal, we should add some small amount for the web
site's annual costs (and possibly for some webmastering). The costs
in the first case are about $250/year; I'll ask Stefan for an
estimate in the second case, but I don't think it will come up to the
costs for either journal.

See you soon, in Victoria, and I will try to call you this afternoon,
in California, to catch up.

adhoc mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 10 2005 - 09:25:34 EDT

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