[adhoc] vote today, please

From: John Unsworth <unsworth_at_uiuc.edu>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 23:46:20 -0500

ADHO Steering Committee members:

Today (April 27) is the end of the declared voting period for the
governance protocol, in the ADHO steering committee. There has not
been a great deal of discussion on this document, but that may be
because the ALLC members already discussed it in December and the
current revision represents their recommended revisions. Be that as it
may, voting members of the steering committee are now asked to vote yes
or no on the following proposition:

The ADHO Steering Committee recommends the current state of the
governance protocol to the executive bodies of ACH and ALLC, for
approval as the document that will guide the future operation of ADHO
and its steering committee.

The governance protocol, as revised by ALLC and in our discussion, is at


The protocol has mechanisms to allow for future modification, so you
need not believe that the document is perfected in order to recommend
it to your executive body, but you should be able to affirm that, as it
stands, the document represents a good-faith effort to establish rules
for governance of ADHO, and you should also believe that the document,
as it stands, is free of irremediable or fatal flaws. If the
proposition is approved, the Executive bodies will be asked to review
the current state of the governance protocol and certify it as the
operational mandate for ADHO, at or before their next annual general
meetings, in Victoria.

As in our previous vote, the question will be decided by a majority of
votes cast: I understand that this is a controversial method, but I
remind committee members that if they vote, there will be no grounds
for the methodological controversy.

I vote in favor of the proposition.


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Received on Wed Apr 27 2005 - 00:46:22 EDT

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