Re: Name

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 10:24:39 EDT

  • Next message: Espen Ore: "Re: Name"

    Do I understand rightly that cannot be used, only
    Would seem to be a real pity because capitals just look better.


    At 09:11 14.05.2004 -0500, you wrote:

    >On May 13, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Geoffrey Rockwell wrote:
    >>I would suggest one of these two:
    >>Organization of Humanities Computing Organizations (
    >>[OHCO could stand for OHCO is not another Humanities Computing
    >>Organization :-)]
    >>Consortium of Humanities Computing Organizations (
    >>Both echo something from our history. COCOA was the first concordance
    >>program on the Atlas at Oxford, if my memory serves, from which we got
    >>the COCOA markup language used in TACT and other programs.
    >>I like them both. What do others think?
    >OHCO, Inc. is one of the largest dealers of and processors of textile
    >remnants, fabric stock lots, closeouts, overruns, and wiping cloths.
    >Ohco/Oriental Herb Company
    >COHCO appears to be a french artist, working in textiles:
    >We'll rise to the top of Google a lot quicker with COHCO, actually, and
    >it's not likely to be identified with a particular theoretical statement
    >within the field, which--whatever the value of the joke--might say more
    >than we wish to say. Shall I go ahead and park

    PD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fachbereich 10, GW2 B 3430
    Frankoromanistik und Italoromanistik
    Universität Bremen
    28359 Bremen

    Tel. +49 421 218-8236

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