Re: late updating...

From: Elisabeth Burr (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 04:50:10 EDT

  • Next message: John Unsworth: "Re: allc and ach open sessions"

    As I am not sure yet whether I can get the 2.15 shuttle (this would get me
    to the
    Centre well ahead dinner time) or have to wait until the 4 something one (which
    would make things more difficult (I need to fresh up a bit at least after
    such a long
    flight) could you please leave me indications where I can find you and the


    At 09:38 26.05.03 +0200, you wrote:
    >15:32 21.05.2003 +0100 skrev Harold Short:
    > >dinner options, and if necessary make a booking at some suitable
    > restaurant. We might perhaps go for 7.30pm as the start time. If that
    > suggestion finds favour, I'll undertake to ensure that the venue details
    > are given to everyone. In summary, we'll plan to meet for dinner at
    > 7.30pm on Wed 28th at a venue to be notified.
    >I will shut off my computer sometime around 8PM Central European time
    >tonight (or 2PM in New York and Charlotteville), and then I will be out of
    >e-mail contact until I get access to the computer lab for conference
    >attendees - which I guess will not be until Thursday. So I would be happy
    >for all e-mail sent me before I shut off the computer tonight or, if that
    >is too early I would be happy if someone who knows where and when we will
    >meet to call me at the hotel (Georgia Center for Education) - I will be in
    >my room from around 7PM local time tomorrow (Tuesday) if my flight and the
    >shuttle bus are on time.

    HD Dr. Elisabeth Burr
    Fakultät 2 / Romanistik
    Universität Duisburg-Essen
    Standort Duisburg
    Geibelstr. 41
    D-47058 Duisburg

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