Re: catching up

From: Julia Flanders (
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 13:16:54 EST

  • Next message: Elisabeth Burr: "Re: catching up"

    I will be teaching an all-day TEI training session on the 28th
    (running from 9:30 to 6), so unfortunately I won't be available to
    meet during the day, but I could attend an evening meeting.

    Best, Julia

    >Dear All
    >The silence has been longer than intended, but things have been
    >moving! Each of the authors - except Julia, who completed her draft
    >long since! - has been in touch with me to discuss drafts, and
    >versions ready for group discussion are either ready to go up on our
    >web site or are likely to be going up fairly soon. (My apologies,
    >Geoffrey, for not getting your revised draft up earlier.) Tomorrow
    >I'm hoping to get several things up on the web site, and will notify
    >you when this is done.
    >One reason for this message today - rather than waiting till
    >tomorrow - is that John and I were discussing at the weekend the
    >possible usefulness of our meeting face to face in Georgia the day
    >before our Council/Committee meetings take place. Would this be
    >possible for everyone? If so, we should plan to meet on Wed 28 May.
    >If Elisabeth and Espen in particular have already had to make flight
    >bookings it probably won't be feasible to change them, so a meeting
    >may not work.
    >How is everyone fixed for this?
    >Best wishes
    >Harold Short
    >Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities
    >King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
    >tel: +44 (0)20 7848 2739/2684 fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980

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