Fwd: Affiliation with ACH/ALLC

From: John Unsworth (jmu2m@virginia.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 21:25:13 EDT

  • Next message: Harold Short: "Re: Affiliation with ACH/ALLC"

    I forward this to the group as food for thought. As some on this list will
    know, the following is a response to the call for papers for the next
    ACH/ALLC conference, which included a specific invitation to related
    organizations, to propose panels. I think this suggests that the kind of
    thing we're talking about on *this* list might have a market, so to speak.

    Also, NB, I have updated my table with the latest from Ninch, at
    http://www.iath.virginia.edu/~jmu2m/adhoc.grid.html -- does the chair have
    an opinion on the proposal that we invite Richard Finneran into this
    discussion, and that table, as a representative of the Society for Textual


    >From: Lorna Hughes <lorna.hughes@nyu.edu>
    >Subject: Fwd: Affiliation with ACH/ALLC
    >Sender: owner-pc2003@lists.village.virginia.edu
    >Reply-To: PC2003@lists.village.virginia.edu
    >Already we have interest in the allied organizations idea!
    >>Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:36:47 -0500
    >>From: William Evans <evans@ccm.ua.edu>
    >>Subject: Affiliation with ACH/ALLC
    >>To: lorna.hughes@nyu.edu
    >>Importance: Normal
    >>X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
    >>I write on behalf of an emerging 90-member group of social scientists who
    >>specialize in computer-assisted text analysis. Our participants include
    >>nearly everyone in a social science discipline who has published in this
    >>area in recent years (e.g., Klaus Krippendorff, Carl Roberts, Colin
    >>Martindale, David Fan, Roberto Franzosi) as well as the developers of the
    >>software we most commonly use (e.g., WordStat). We have been meeting
    >>annually since 1999, at annual meetings of the International Communication
    >>Association. We've been talking about building bridges with ACH/ALLC.
    >>Accordingly, we are intrigued by the Call for Proposals for ACH/ALLC 2003.
    >>Do you think we would qualify as an "allied organization" (even if we don't
    >>yet even have a name for our group)? We are interested in proposing a
    >>session in which we would explore our mutual interests with the humanities
    >>computing community. Or perhaps you can suggest alternative ways in which we
    >>can get acquainted with ACH/ALLC.
    >>William Evans, Ph.D.
    >>Center for Creative Media
    >>Box 870172
    >>University of Alabama
    >>Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172
    >>voice: 205.348.3176
    >>fax: 205.348.9257
    >>email: wevans@ua.edu
    >Lorna M. Hughes E-mail: Lorna.Hughes@NYU.EDU
    >Assistant Director for Humanities Computing Phone: (212) 998 3070
    >Information Technology Services Fax: (212) 995 4120
    >New York University
    >251 Mercer Street
    >New York, NY 10012-1185, USA

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