Re: grid for your inspection

From: Julia Flanders (
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 12:21:52 EDT

  • Next message: John Unsworth: "Re: grid for your inspection"

    John, this is very cool.

    Does any of the items on my second list (areas the TEI would like to
    expand) provide fodder for the desiderata list? or did you already
    take from this what you could?

    1. More extensive documentation, aimed at different audiences
    (information for novices; information targeted at particular

    2. More extensive conference presence (perhaps as an allied
    organization at other people's conferences)

    3. TEI consulting services, provided to members (preferably
    subsidized or free) and to the general public (perhaps as a
    revenue-generating services)

    4. More extensive training services, again preferably subsidized or
    free to members

    5. Alliances with related encoding standards which serve particular
    communities; the goal here would be to use existing work and
    incorporate it into the TEI as a DTD subset rather than have TEI
    reinvent it

    6. Information-gathering about our community and the needs of TEI
    users (and potential users)

    >This is my attempt to coordinate the lists offered, so far, of the
    >activities of our organizations. I have only Geoff's list of things
    >we would like to do but don't (his for the ACH); I would like to
    >have additions to that list, if anyone wants to offer some. We also
    >need to hear from David about NINCH, as it fits into this table, and
    >I have left a spot for STS, an organization that would like very
    >much to join this discussion, with Richard Finneran as its
    >representative. STS is the Society for Textual Scholarship, a small
    >scholarly society increasingly interested in electronic editions,
    >meeting once every two years, in New York. With the chair's
    >permission, I will add Richard to this list....and to the grid, when
    >he offers his list.

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