Re: synergies

From: John Unsworth (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 19:33:30 EDT

  • Next message: John Unsworth: "american cultural heritage initiatives"

    At 12:02 AM 9/11/2002 +0200, you wrote:
    >As Julia's message about the TEI, Geoffrey's about ACH and mine about ALLC
    >show, there are quite a few fields of collaboration already and there are
    >quite a few goals
    >which one association alone cannot realise. I still think, it would be
    >really helpful if some
    >sort of table could be created where these things would be visualised in
    >an accessible way
    >and which could be filled in as we go along with our discussion. I am sure
    >that more goals
    >for example could pop up.

    I'll take that one on, but it will take me a little while to get that
    up--next week, at the earliest.

    >Now, lets perhaps look at the question from another point. I am for
    >example also a member of
    >the German Association for Applied Linguistics which itself as all the
    >other regional chapters
    >is member of AILA, some sort of umbrella organisation but which is acting
    >also as such on a
    >world wide level by organising really big conferences. I do not know
    >whether we would like to
    >go for the last bit if we talk about synergies, but a combination of
    >regional and global structure
    >could be something to think about.

    I agree, emphatically--I think this is the model we should be working
    on. Regional associations have their own identity, but are part of a
    larger organization that provides some services, some economies of
    scale. One advantage of this model is also, as I may have said, that it
    could provide easier ways to bootstrap new regional chapters (a humanities
    computing organization for Australia, for Japan, etc.).

    >If we take up this question then we have to think straight
    >away also about what position we take to languages and cultures.

    As a matter of principle, yes.


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