20.426 events: Extreme 2007; WoLLIC'2007

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty willard.mccarty_at_kcl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:12:03 +0000

               Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 20, No. 426.
       Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
                     Submit to: humanist_at_princeton.edu

   [1] From: B Tommie Usdin <btusdin_at_mulberrytech.com> (81)
         Subject: Extreme 2007 Call for Participation

   [2] From: ruy_at_cin.ufpe.br (47)
         Subject: WoLLIC'2007 - CfP

         Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:03:56 +0000
         From: B Tommie Usdin <btusdin_at_mulberrytech.com>
         Subject: Extreme 2007 Call for Participation

a friendly, technically challenging, intensive, thought-provoking,
argumentative, welcoming, obstreperous conference on markup,
managing information, and information structures

(a registered trademark of IDEAlliance)


Extreme is the leading international conference on markup theory and=
If you have interesting markup applications, difficult markup problems, or
intriguing solutions to problems related to the design and use of markup,
markup languages, or markup tools; if you want to know what the leading
theorists of markup are thinking; if you are the house markup expert and
want to spend time with your kind, then you should plan on attending
Extreme Markup Languages(r) 2007.


Extreme is an open marketplace of theories about markup and all the
things that they support or that support them: the difficult cases in
publishing, linguistics, transformation, searching, indexing, and storage
and retrieval. At Extreme, markup enthusiasts gather each year to trade
in ideas, not to convince management to buy new stuff. At Extreme we push
the edges of markup theory & practice.

WHEN: August 7-10, 2007
WHERE: Montr=E9al, Canada
HOST: IDEAlliance


You can participate in Extreme Markup Languages in several ways:
   - Talk: submit a conference paper. Submit full papers in XML to
      extreme_at_mulberrytech.com. Guidelines and details at
   - Review: serve as a peer reviewer. To apply to serve on the Peer
      Review panel, follow the instructions (yes, this is a test) at:
   - Attend: come to the conference, listen to papers, learn about the
      latest and best techniques, the hottest and most pressing problems,
      the best and most promising solutions, and how the future of markup
      is shaping up. Meet the people who are shaping that future. Also,
      drink good coffee and eat great food in one of North America's
      greatest cities.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
   - XQuery, XSL-FO, XSLT, Pipelining, Topic Maps, RDF, TMQL,
   - markup for document production
   - markup for preservation and reuse of cultural artifacts
   - issues in the design and deployment of markup vocabularies
   - engineering tradeoffs in the design of markup-driven systems
   - overlapping structures and how to represent them
   - bias, objectivity, neutrality and ontological commitment in
        markup, markup design and software tools
   - trees, tuples, sequences, directed graphs, and other data
        structures for the representation of information
   - better markup as a tool for making the Web more useful
   - the future of multi-purpose content
   - the future of structured documents
   - designing, creating, using, mainipulating, and interpreting
        marked-up content
   - new markup-related tools
   - markup semantics
   - new approaches to old problems and new
   - things you can and can't do with XML
   - things it never occurred to you that anyone would want to
      do with XML
   - alternatives to popular specifications and techniques
   - treating non-XML data as if it were XML
   - treating XML data as if it were non-XML
   - implementation reports: love songs or horror stories


9 March 2007: Peer review applications due
20 April 2007: Paper submissions due
13 May 2007: Speakers notified of paper selection
6 July 2007: Revised papers due
7-10 August 2007: Extreme Markup Languages 2007, Montr=E9al

QUESTIONS: Email to extreme_at_mulberrytech.com or call
             Tommie Usdin +1 301/315-9631

MORE INFORMATION as available: http://www.extrememarkup.com/
PROCEEDINGS of previous EXTREME MARKUP Conferences:

     The Extreme Markup Languages Conference, formerly a production
     of IDEAlliance, is now developed by Mulberry Technologies, Inc.,
     which is solely responsible for its program.

         Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:05:35 +0000
         From: ruy_at_cin.ufpe.br
         Subject: WoLLIC'2007 - CfP

                                 Call for Papers

           14th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
                            Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
                                July 2-5, 2007

      WoLLIC is an annual international forum on inter-disciplinary research
      involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and natural
      language and reasoning. Each meeting includes invited talks and
      tutorials as well as contributed papers.

      The Fourteenth WoLLIC will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from
      July 2 to July 5, 2007, and sponsored by the Association for Symbolic
      Logic (ASL), the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics (IGPL),
      the European Association for Logic, Language and Information
      (FoLLI), the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science
      (EATCS), the Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC), and the
      Sociedade Brasileira de Logica (SBL).

      Contributions are invited on all pertinent subjects, with particular
      interest in cross-disciplinary topics. Typical but not exclusive
      areas of interest are: foundations of computing and programming;
      novel computation models and paradigms; broad notions of proof and
      formal methods in software and hardware development; logical approach to
      natural language and reasoning; logics of programs, actions and
      foundational aspects of information organization, search, flow, sharing,
      and protection.
      Proposed contributions should be in English, and consist of a scholarly
      exposition accessible to the non-specialist, including motivation,
      background, and comparison with related works.
      They must not exceed 10 pages (in font 10 or higher), with up to
      5 additional pages for references and technical appendices.
      The paper's main results must not be published or submitted
      for publication in refereed venues, including journals and other
      scientific meetings.
      It is expected that each accepted paper be presented at the meeting by
      one of its authors.
      Papers must be submitted electronically at
      A title and single-paragraph abstract should be submitted by
      February 23, and the full paper by March 2 (firm date).
      Notifications are expected by April 13, and final papers for
      the proceedings will be due by April 27 (firm date).



Received on Wed Jan 31 2007 - 01:29:58 EST

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