Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 20, No. 240.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
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[1] From: "Carolyn Kotlas" <> (186)
Subject: TL Infobits -- September 2006
[2] From: Richard Cunningham (673)
Subject: CFP for 2007 sdh/semi meeting
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:42:12 +0100
From: "Carolyn Kotlas" <>
Subject: TL Infobits -- September 2006
TL INFOBITS September 2006 No. 3 ISSN: Not Yet
INFOBITS is an electronic service of The University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill ITS Teaching and Learning division. Each month the
ITS-TL's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a
number of information and instructional technology sources that come to
her attention and provides brief notes for electronic dissemination to
NOTE: You can read the Web version of this issue at
You can read all back issues of Infobits at
Is Email Now Only for "Old People"?
More Fun and Games
Students' Perceptions of Online Learning
Papers on Internet Censorship
New Take on Peer Review of Scholarly Papers
Recommended Reading
Infobits RSS Feed
According to an article in THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION (vol. 53,
issue 7, p. A27, October 6, 2006), "College officials around the
country find that a growing number of students are missing important
messages about deadlines, class cancellations, and events sent to them
by e-mail because, well, the messages are sent to them by e-mail." The
article cites research reported in a 2005 Pew Internet & American Life
Project called "Teens and Technology," which found that while college
students still used email to communicate with their professors, they
preferred to use instant messaging, text messaging, and services such
as MySpace to interact with their peers.
The Chronicle article is available online at
The complete Pew report is available at no cost online at
The Pew Internet & American Life Project "produces reports that explore
the impact of the Internet on families, communities, work and home,
daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life. The
Project aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the
Internet through collection of data and analysis of real-world
developments as they affect the virtual world." For more information
and other reports, see
The Chronicle of Higher Education [ISSN 0009-5982] is published weekly
by The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc., 1255 Twenty-third Street,
NW, Washington, DC 20037 USA; tel: 202-466-1000; fax: 202-452-1033;
Continuing last month's topic on using games in learning environments
(TL Infobits, August 2006, more can be read in
the October 2006 issue of ITALICS (vol. 5, issue 3,
Papers include:
"Innovations in Learning and Teaching Approaches using Game
Technologies -- Can 'The Movies' Teach How to Make a Movie?"
By Ryan Flynn and Nigel Newbutt
"Using A Virtual World For Transferable Skills in Gaming Education"
By M. Hobbs, E. Brown, and M. Gordon
"Providing the Skills Required for Innovative Mobile Game Development
Using Industry/Academic Partnerships"
By Reuben Edwards and Paul Coulton
ITALICS, Innovation in Teaching And Learning in Information and
Computer Science [ISSN 1473-7507] is an electronic journal published
by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Information and
Computer Sciences (ICS) to provide a "vehicle for members of the ICS
communities to disseminate best practice and research on learning and
teaching within the subject disciplines." Current and past issues are
available at For more
information about the ICS, see
See also:
"Living a Second Life"
THE ECONOMIST, September 28, 2006
The article describes how Second Life, a virtual world environment, is
being used as an educational tool.
"The ultimate question for educational research is how to optimize
instructional designs and technology to maximize learning opportunities
and achievements in both online and face-to-face environments." Karl L.
Smart and James J. Cappel studied two undergraduate courses -- an
elective course and a required course -- that incorporated online
modules into traditional classes. Their research of students'
impressions and satisfaction with the online portions of the classes
revealed mixed results:
-- "participants in the elective course rated use of the learning
modules slightly positive while students in the required course
rated them slightly negative"
-- "while students identified the use of simulation as the leading
strength of the online units, it was also the second most
commonly mentioned problem of these units"
-- "students simply did not feel that the amount of time it took to
complete the modules was worth what was gained"
The complete paper, "Students' Perceptions of Online Learning: A
5, 2006, pp. 201-19), is available online at
Current and back issues of the Journal of Information Technology
Education (JITE) [ISSN 1539-3585 (online) 1547-9714 (print)] are
available free of charge at The peer-reviewed journal
is published annually by the Informing Science Institute. For more
information contact: Informing Science Institute, 131 Brookhill Court,
Santa Rosa, California 95409 USA; tel: 707-531-4925; fax: 480-247-5724;
The theme for the September 2006 issue of FIRST MONDAY (vol. 11, no.
9), is "Who Supports Internet Censorship?" Some of the papers of
interest to higher education faculty include:
"Publishing Cooperatives: An Alternative for Non=ADProfit Publishers"
By Raym Crow
"Publishing cooperatives can provide a scaleable publishing
model that aligns with the values of the academy while
providing a practical financial framework capable of sustaining
society publishing programs."
"A Privacy Paradox: Social Networking in the United States"
By Susan B. Barnes
"Teenagers will freely give up personal information to join
social networks on the Internet. Afterwards, they are surprised
when their parents read their journals. Communities are
outraged by the personal information posted by young people
online and colleges keep track of student activities on and off
"Puppy Smoothies: Improving the Reliability of Open, Collaborative
By Tom Cross
"In spite of its problems, Wikipedia is an enormously important
information resource, used by a community of millions of people
all over the world. I believe the popularity of Wikipedia stems
from the fact that it fills an important niche in the
constellation of information resources that was previously
unserved. Improvements to this technology can have a positive
impact on how these millions of users think and collaborate."
First Monday [ISSN 1396-0466] is an online, peer-reviewed journal whose
aim is to publish original articles about the Internet and the global
information infrastructure. It is published in cooperation with the
University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago. For more
information, contact: First Monday, c/o Edward Valauskas, Chief Editor,
PO Box 87636, Chicago IL 60680-0636 USA; email:; Web:
The Public Library of Science will launch its first open peer-reviewed
journal called PLoS ONE which will focus on papers in science and
medicine. Papers in PLoS ONE will not undergo rigorous peer review
before publication. Any manuscripts that is deemed to be a "valuable
contribution to the scientific literature" can be posted online,
beginning the process of community review. Authors are charged a fee
for publication; however, fees may be waived in some instances. For
more information see
For an article on this venture, see:
"Web Journals Threaten Peer-Review System"
By Alicia Chang
Yahoo! News, October 1, 2006
"Recommended Reading" lists items that have been recommended to me or
that Infobits readers have found particularly interesting and/or
useful, including books, articles, and websites published by Infobits
subscribers. Send your recommendations to for
possible inclusion in this column.
"State of the Art Smart Spaces: Application Models and Software
By Ramesh Singh, Preeti Bhargava, and Samta Kain
Ubiquity, volume 7, issue 37 (September 26, 2006 - October 2, 2006)
"Smart spaces are ordinary environments equipped with visual and audio
sensing systems, pervasive devices, sensors, and networks that can
perceive and react to people, sense ongoing human activities and
respond to them. Their ubiquity is evident by the fact that various
state of the art smart spaces have been incorporated in all situations
of our life. These smart space elements require middleware, standards
and interfacing technologies to manage complex interactions between
them. Here, we present an overview of the technologies integrated to
build Smart Spaces, review the various scenarios in which Smart Spaces
have been incorporated by researchers, highlight the requirements of
software infrastructure for programming and networking them, and
mention the contemporary frameworks for interaction with them."
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:42:53 +0100
From: Richard Cunningham <>
Subject: CFP for 2007 sdh/semi meeting
Society for Digital Humanities
Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs
Call for Papers
Bridging Communities: making public knowledge--making knowledge public
2007 Annual Meeting of the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour
l'étude des médias interactifs
The Society for Digital Humanities (SDH/SEMI) invites scholars and
graduate students to submit proposals for papers and sessions for its
annual meeting, which will be held at the 2007 Congress of the Social
Sciences and Humanities, University of Saskatchewan, from 28-30 May.
The society would like in particular to encourage submissions relating
to the central theme of the Congress -- Bridging Communities -- or its
sub-theme -- making public knowledge/making knowledge public. Computing
in the humanities already has a strong history of fostering
collaboration in areas of research that have traditionally been built on
the model of the solitary scholar. Digital technology has enabled
networking and collaboration where logistics were previously
prohibitive, and the digital medium has accelerated dissemination of
knowledge and enriched means for delivering complex and diverse forms of
data. The Internet has further taken much scholarly work out of the
confines of university libraries and made it readily accessible to an
extensive reading public. While this year’s Congress theme is well
suited to the interests of SDH/SEMI, we encourage submissions on all
topics relating to both theory and praxis in the evolving discipline of
humanities computing. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
-- Humanities computing as an means of
bridging disciplinary communities
-- The public and the proprietary in electronic publication
-- Virtual communities
-- The computer as a generative or
analytical tool in humanities research
-- Humanities computing and pedagogy
-- Digitizing material culture
-- Computer supported collaboration
-- Computer modeling in humanities research
-- The history and future of humanities computing
-- Computing in the fine, performing and new media arts
-- Facility and large project management
The conference will also present a number of joint sessions with several
national societies, including the Canadian Society of
Medievalist/Société canadienne des médiévistes (CSM/SCM), the Canadian
Society for Renaissance Studies/Sociéte canadienne d'études de la
Renaissance (CSRS/SCER), and the Association for the Study of Book
Culture/Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’histoire du livre
(ASBC/ACEH), as well as the international society, Association of
Digital Humanities Organisation (ADHO). Proposals should specify any
preference for inclusion in a joint session.
Selected papers from the conference will appear in a special collection,
jointly published by Computing in the Humanities Working Papers, and
Text Technology.
In collaboration with CSM/SCM and ASBC/ACEH we will also host a half-day
symposium on “Reassembling Disassembled Books,” featuring a keynote talk
by Professor Peter Stoicheff (associate dean of humanities and fine
arts, University of Saskatchewan) on the Otto Ege manuscripts and a
project for digitally reconstructing parts of the collection.
There is a limited amount of funding available to support a graduate
student panel. Interested applicants should inquire using the contact
information listed below.
Paper and/or session proposals will be accepted until December 15, 2006.
Please note that all presenters must be members of SDH/SEMI at the time
of the conference.
Abstracts/proposals should include the following information at the top
of the front page: title of paper, author's name(s); complete mailing
address, including e-mail; institutional affiliation and rank, if any,
of the author; statement of need for audio-visual equipment. Abstracts
of papers should be between 150 and 300 words long, and clearly indicate
the paper's thesis, methodology and conclusion.
All abstracts and questions should be sent electronically to the
addresses below:
Brent Nelson, Conference Committee Chair and
Local Coordinator, (University of Saskatchewan) or
Department of English
9 Campus Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
We hope you consider joining us in Saskatoon for
this year’s meetings of SDH/SEMI at Congress. In
addition to the excellent slate of papers that we
expect this year, the local organizing committee
for Congress 2007 has several cultural events
planned, including an aboriginal round dance and
film festival, an Alice In Wonderland croquet
match in the university commons, complete with
costumes and flamingo mallets (will President
McKinnon be the Queen of Hearts?) and a
repeat performance of Songs of a Prairie Girl, a
musical review featuring the songs of Joni
Mitchell. The picturesque university campus sits
upon the banks of the Saskatchewan river valley,
which offers an extensive system of trails and
parks ideal for evening walks. There will also
be excursions available to local historical
sites, including Fort Carleton, Duck Lack,
Batoche, and Waneskewin Heritage Park.
Appel à soumissions
Le partenariat entre communautés : la création et la diffusion du savoir
Réunion annuelle 2007 de la Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs
/ Society for Digital Humanities
La Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs (SEMI / SDH) invite les
spécialistes ainsi que les étudiants et étudiantes de deuxième et
troisième cycle à soumettre des propositions d’articles de recherches et
de sujets de conférences pour la réunion annuelle de la Société dans le
cadre du Congrès des sciences humaines et sociales les 28, 29 et 30 mai
2007 à l’Université de Saskatchewan.
La Société aimerait encourager en particulier les soumissions qui se
rapportent à une discussion du thème central du Congrès, c’est-à-dire le
partenariat entre communautés, ou du sous-thème, la création et la
diffusion du savoir publique. En pratique, l’informatique dans les
sciences humaines s’est toujours bien prêtée à encourager la
collaboration entre les spécialistes de différents domaines qui,
traditionnellement, se limitaient au travail individuel et isolé. La
technologie digitale permet maintenant le travail en réseau alors que
dans le passé, la logistique nécessaire à la collaboration rendait cette
activité quasi impraticable. Ce nouveau support digital permet la
diffusion accélérée du savoir et demeure un véhicule privilégié pour la
transmission de données complexes et diverses. L’internet encourage
l’accessibilité du savoir en permettant les ouvrages académiques,
jusqu’alors restreints aux habitués des bibliothèques universitaires,
d’être à la portée d’un public élargi. Même si le thème du Congrès cette
année correspond bien aux intérêts de la SEMI/SDH, nous voulons
encourager des soumissions qui se rapportent à la fois à la théorie et à
la praxis dans le domaine dynamique des médias interactifs. Voici
quelques suggestions de sujets pertinents dont le but est de favoriser
la réflexion et non de limiter l’inspiration:
-- Les médias interactifs comme moyen
d’encourager le partenariat interdisciplinaire
-- Le savoir public et les droits d’auteurs dans
le monde de la publication électronique
-- Les communautés virtuelles
-- L’informatique comme outil génératif ou
analytique dans le domaine des sciences humaines
-- Les médias interactifs et la pédagogie
-- L’adaptation de la culture matérielle un support digital
-- L’informatique comme soutien la collaboration
-- La création de mod les informatisés
d’aide la recherche dans le domaine des sciences humaines
-- Le développement historique et l’avenir des médias interactifs
-- Les médias interactifs dans les domaines du
théâtre, des beaux-arts, et des arts médiatiques
-- La gestion de structures et de projets importants
La conférence présentera aussi un certain nombre de colloques qui
s’articuleront en commun avec plusieurs autres sociétés nationales y
compris la Société canadienne des médiévistes/Canadian Society of
Medievalists (SCM/CSM), la Société canadienne d’études de la
Renaissance/Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies (SCER/CSRS), et
l’Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’histoire du livre/Association
for the Study of Book Culture (ACEH/ASBC) ainsi que la société
internationale Association of Digital Humanities Organisation (ADHO).
Nous vous encourageons à spécifier dans les propositions soumises si la
participation à une de ces discussions collaboratives est souhaitée.
Certains articles de recherches présentés à la conférence seront inclus
dans une collection spéciale publiée conjointement par Computing in the
Humaities Working Papers et par Text Technology.
Nous présenterons aussi, en collobaration avec la SCM/CSM et
l’ACEH/ASBC, un symposium d’une demi-journée intitulé « Reassembling
Disassembled Books » (Le rassemblement des livres désassemblés). Le
discours-programme du symposium sera prononcé par le professeur Peter
Stoicheff (doyen associé, Faculté des sciences humaines et des
beaux-arts, Université de Saskatchewan) et aura pour thème les
manuscrits Otto Ege et un nouveau projet qui vise à reconstruire
digitalement certaines parties de la collection.
Les ressources disponibles pour financer une séance d’étudiants et
d’étudiantes de deuxième et troisième cycle sont limitées. Les candidats
et candidates intéressé(e)s doivent se renseigner auprès des
responsables. Voir l’adresse ci-bas.
Les soumissions de propositions d’articles de recherches et de sujets de
conférences seront admises jusqu’au 15 décembre 2006. Veuillez noter que
tous les présentateurs et présentatrices doivent être membre de la
SEMI/SDH avant de donner leur conférence.
Les résumés et propositions doivent inclure les renseignements suivants
tout au haut de la première page : titre de l’article, nom de l’auteur,
adresse postale complète, adresse de courriel, affiliation
institutionnelle et classement, s’il ya lieu, de l’auteur, et un avis si
l’équipement audio-visuel est requis. Les résumés d’articles doivent se
limiter à 300 mots et indiquer clairement la thèse soutenue par
l’article, sa méthodologie et sa conclusion.
Tous les résumés et toutes les questions doivent être envoyés soit par
courrier électronique (de préférence) ou par courrier conventionnel aux
adresses suivantes :
Brent Nelson, président du comité de la congrès
et coordonateur local (Université de Saskatchewan) ou
Department of English
9 Campus Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A5
Nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à nous à
Saskatoon pour la conférence annuelle du congrès
de la SEMI/SDH. Nous nous attendons à des
présentations excellentes cette année et nous
vous proposons aussi des divertissements
captivants. Le comité d’organisation local du
congrès 2007 a planifié des événements culturels
intéressants comprenant un spectacle de danse
aborigène, un festival de films, un match de
croquet à la Alice au pays des merveilles avec
costumes et maillets en forme de flamants sur le
campus de l’université (est-ce que le président
McKinnon jouera le rôle de la reine de cœur?) et
un spectacle intitulé « Songs of a Prairie Girl
», une revue musicale qui met en vedette les
chansons de Joni Mitchell. Le campus
universitaire pittoresque sur les bords de la
rivière Saskatchewan offre un accès à plusieurs
parcs et pistes de randonnés pédestres idéales
pour ces promenades en soirées. Des excursions
vers quelques sites historiques de la région, y
compris Fort Carleton, Duck Lake, Batoche et
Waneskewin Heritage Park, seront aussi disponibles.
Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 04:30:35 EDT
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