15.609 course; conference

From: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty (w.mccarty@btinternet.com)
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 02:40:23 EDT

  • Next message: Humanist Discussion Group (by way of Willard McCarty : "15.610 advice for an online edition, and a query"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 609.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: jonker@cs.vu.nl (CM Jonker) (24)
             Subject: Agent Course: Component-Based Design of Intelligent
                     Multi-Agent Systems

       [2] From: ssgrr2002s@rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu (34)
             Subject: Call for papers for the SSGRR 2002s Conference in
                     L`Aquila near Rome, Italy (Jul 29 - Aug 4 2002.)

             Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 07:33:57 +0100
             From: jonker@cs.vu.nl (CM Jonker)
             Subject: Agent Course: Component-Based Design of Intelligent
    Multi-Agent Systems

    Last call for Participation:
    There are still some places available for the course:

    Component-Based Design of Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems

              5-day course that consists of both lectures and practical work
              Time: May 29 - June 4, 2002
              Place: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    In this course, the basic concepts and characteristics of agent systems will be
    addressed, and a systematic component-based design methodology for agent
    systems will be presented.

    Course material and instructions are in English.

    If you would like to participate in this course, please send in a
    registration form before April 27th, 2002.


    Can be found at http://www.cs.vu.nl/~wai/demas

    Aim of the course

    In this course, participants learn to construct transparent,
    structured conceptual designs of component-based multi-agent systems,
    to specify conceptual and detailed designs, and to transform specifications
    into implementations. In addition, participants learn to use graphical
    tools designed to support modelling, specification, implementation and
    testing of component-based agent systems.

    [material deleted]

             Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 07:35:00 +0100
             From: ssgrr2002s@rti7020.etf.bg.ac.yu
             Subject: Call for papers for the SSGRR 2002s Conference in
    L`Aquila near Rome, Italy (Jul 29 - Aug 4 2002.)

    Dear Humanist,

    I have been appointed to serve as the General Chair of the Summer 2002
    edition of the SSGRR series of international conferences,
    and I would like to extend a special invitation to you.

    The SSGRR-2002S (Summer) conference on
    "Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine"
    takes place in SSGRR (Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli), the delux
    congress and educational center of the Telecom Italia Group of companies.

    This is in L'Aquila near Rome, Italy, from July 29
    (Monday) at 5pm (start of the Grand Opening) till August 4 (Sunday) at
    10am (departure of busses to the Rome airport Fiumicino and the
    railway station Tiburtina).

    Most of the past participants beleive that this was one of the most
    interesting, most useful, and definitely THE most hospitable conference
    they ever attended.

    The SSGRR-2002S will be open by Jerome Friedman from MIT
    (laureate of the NOBEL PRIZE) and Travor Gruen-Kennedy of Citrix
    (listed by some sources, together with Bill Gates,
    as one of the world's TOP-25 contributors to the
    development of the Internet).

    For details, see the WWW site of the conference
    Among other things, this WWW site also includes the full-blown version
    of the invitation letter-contract, with all relevant details

    The soft deadline for you to decide if you are coming is May 25,
    2002 (in the worst case you should respond before May 31st). By that
    date the place for you is unconditionally reserved. After
    that date, you will be accepted to the conference only if the existing
    240 places are not filled.

    Before May 25, 2002, please send only the following: (a) TITLE,
    WILL COME 100% (answers like "maybe" will be treated as NO answer from
    you). The full paper is due on June 10, 2002.

    [material deleted]

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sat Apr 27 2002 - 02:58:46 EDT