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From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 03:51:58 EDT

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                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 278.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

             Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 08:45:57 +0100
             From: Katja Mruck <mruck@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
             Subject: FQS - "Qualitative Methods in Various Disciplines II:
    Cultural Sciences" online

    Apologies for possible cross postings!

    Dear All,

    The sixth FQS issue - "Qualitative Methods in Various Disciplines II:
    Cultural Sciences" - is now available at

    We wish hopefully stimulating readings & discussions!
    Katja Mruck

    Main Editor
    FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung
    / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
    A peer-reviewed, free and interdisciplinary
    online journal for qualitative research

    English -> http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-eng.htm
    German -> http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs.htm


    Edited by Carl Ratner, Juergen Straub & Jaan Valsiner

    The following contributions are available online
    F Full text, A Abstract
    E English, F French G German, S Spanish

    Carl Ratner, Juergen Straub & Jaan Valsiner: Introduction (FE)

    Gui-Young Hong, USA: Front-Line Care Providers' Professional Worlds: The
    Need for Qualitative Approaches to Cultural Interfaces (FE, AG, AS)

    Carlos Koelbl & Juergen Straub, Germany: Historical Consciousness at
    Youth Age. Theoretical and Exemplary Empirical Analyses (FG, AE)

    Hans-Dieter Koenig, Germany: A Neo-Nazi in Auschwitz. A Psychoanalytic
    Reconstruction of a Documentary Film on Right-Wing Extremism (FG, FE,

    Neill Korobov, USA: Reconciling Theory with Method: From Conversation
    Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis to Positioning Analysis (FE,
    AG, AS)

    Selma Leito, Brasil: Analyzing Changes in View During Argumentation: A
    Quest for Method (FE, AG, AS)

    Kyoko Murakami, UK: Talk About Rice: A Discursive Approach to Studying
    Culture (FE, AG, AS)

    Andra P.F. Pantoja, USA: A Narrative-Developmental Approach to Early
    Emotions (FE, AG, AS)

    Alexander N. Poddiakov, Russia: Counteraction as a Crucial Factor of
    Learning, Education and Development: Opposition to Help (FE, AG, AS)

    Ulrike Popp-Baier, the Netherlands: Narrating Embodied Aims.
    Self-transformation in Conversion Narratives-A Psychological Analysis
    (FE, AG, AS)

    Carl Ratner, USA: Analyzing Cultural-Psychological Themes in Narrative
    Statement (FE, AG, AS)

    Debra Skinner, Jaan Valsiner & Dorothy Holland, USA: Discerning the
    Dialogical Self: A Theoretical and Methodological Examination of a
    Nepali Adolescent's Narrative (FE, AG, AS)

    Seth Surgan, USA: Is Random Error Useful for Developmental Psychology?
    (FE, AG, AS) (available online in the beginning of October)

    Doris Weidemann, Germany: Learning About "Face"-"Subjective Theories" as
    a Construct in Analysing Intercultural Learning Processes of Germans in
    Taiwan (FE, AG, AS)


    Ali A. Abdi, Canada: Qualitative Methodology, the Historical Sociologist
    and Oral Societies: Re-assessing the Reliability of Remembered "Facts"
    (FE, AG, AS)

    Ian Baptiste, USA: Qualitative Data Analysis: Common Phases, Strategic
    Differences (FE, AG, AS)

    Angela Keppler, Germany: Media-Communication-Cultural Orientation.
    Perspectives on Contemporary Media Studies (FG, AE, AS)

    Mark C. Williams, Australia: A Self-Study of Teaching Reform in a
    University Information Systems Course: "... it all went wrong ..."
    (available online in the beginning of October)


    Franz Breuer & Jo Reichertz, Germany: Discussing Standards of Social
    Research (FG, AE)


    Lutz Ellrich (1999). Verschriebene Fremdheit. Die Ethnographie
    kultureller Brche bei Clifford Geertz und Stephen Greenblatt
    [The Written Other. Ethnography and Cultural Discontinuities in the Work
    of Clifford Geertz and Stephen Greenblatt];
    reviewed by Volker Barth, France (FF, FG, AE)

    Hans Albrecht Hartmann & Rolf Haubl (Eds.) (2000). Von Dingen und
    Menschen. Funktion und Bedeutung materieller Kultur;
    reviewed by Gregor Dobler, Germany (FG)

    Sonja Utz (1999). Soziale Identifikation mit virtuellen Gemeinschaften -
    Bedingungen und Konsequenzen
    [Social Identification in Virtual Communities-Conditions and
    Consequences] &
    Gerit Goetzenbrucker (2001). Soziale Netzwerke und
    Internet-Spielewelten. Eine empirische Analyse der Transformation
    virtueller in realweltliche Gemeinschaften am Beispiel von MUDs (Multi
    User Dimensions)
    [Social Networks and the World of Internet Games. An Empirical Study of
    the Transformation of Virtual World into Real World Communities,
    providing MUDs as an Example];
    reviewed by Nicola Doering, Germany (FG, AE, AS)

    Cornelia Behnke & Michael Meuser (1999). Geschlechterforschung und
    qualitative Methoden
    [Gender Research and Qualitative Methods];
    reviewed by Nicola Doering, Germany (FG, AE, AS)

    David Silverman (2001). Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for
    Analysing Talk, Text and Interaction;
    reviewed by Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, Israel (FE, AG, AS)

    Patricia Bazeley & Lyn Richards (2000). The NVivo Qualitative Project
    reviewed by Marilyn Lichtman, USA (FE, AG, AS)

    Remi Hess & Christoph Wulf (1999) (Hrsg.) Grenzgaenge. ber den Umgang
    mit dem Eigenen und dem Fremden
    [Walking the Border. On the Treatment of Self and Others];
    reviewed by Alfons H. Teipen, USA (FG, FE, AS)

    Henning Bech (1997). When Men Meet. Homosexuality and Modernity;
    reviewed by Tilmann Walter, Germany (FG, AE, AS)

    Christiane Hackl (2001). Fernsehen im Lebenslauf - Eine
    medienbiographische Studie;
    reviewed by Martin Wysterski, Germany (FG)


    Conference "Kulturraum Internet", Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet
    Magdeburg, 16. and 17. December 2000;
    reviewed by Susan Bittkau-Schmidt, Germany (FG)

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