Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 15, No. 106.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
[1] From: "David L. Gants" <> (38)
Subject: Workshop: digitization of newspapers
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <> (24)
Subject: LLL'01: deadline reminder
[3] From: NINCH-ANNOUNCE <> (61)
Subject: ISKO-7 "Challenges in Knowledge Representation and
Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of
[4] From: (28)
Subject: Online seminar: Learning Effectiveness, Faculty
Satisfaction and Cost Effectiveness
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:49:56 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: Workshop: digitization of newspapers
>> From: Michael Fraser <>
A one-day workshop to be held at Senate House, University of London, 12 July
10.00am-4.00pm, with a wine reception 5.00-7.00pm
The workshop is sponsored by the British Library; the Institute for English
Studies; Olive Software; the Office for Humanities Communication, King's
College, London; the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford; the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC). Its aim is to present the results of
a unique pilot project in the digitization and delivery of historic
newspapers to a wider audience, and to discuss the implications of this
remarkable system for the preservation and presentation of similar materials
in UK HE, archives and public libraries.
Since January 2001, the British Library Newspaper Library, the Refugee
Studies Centre at Oxford University, OCLC, the Malibu Hybrid Library Project
at King's College London, and Olive Software have been working together to
produce a prototype system for the digitization, indexing, and presentation
of historic newspapers from the British Library Newspaper Library
collection. 18 reels of microfilm have been scanned, and some 500,000
newspaper articles indexed. Speakers will demonstrate the pilot project and
discuss the practical implications of the various technologies.
The workshop is free to all participants, who are also invited to a wine
reception afterwards.
Visit the Institute for English Studies webs site at to see
the full programme.
Bookings should be made through:
Ms Joanne Nixon
Institute of English Studies
Room 308
School of Advanced Study
University of London
Senate House
Malet Street
+44 (0) 207 862 8675
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:50:35 +0100
From: "David L. Gants" <>
Subject: LLL'01: deadline reminder
>> Message-Id: <>
The deadline for submission to the Work-in-Progress Session
From: Miloslav Nepil <>
of the 3rd Learning Language in Logic (LLL) Workshop is coming soon:
24 June 2001. See the CFP below for details.
On the joint session between ILP and LLL, Dan Roth, University of
Illinois, will give a plenary talk.
Best regards
Lubos Popelinsky and Miloslav Nepil
8th - 9th September 2001, Strasbourg
Co-located with ILP 2001
Please submit by sending electronically to
a full paper (PS or PDF format) up to 12 pages in LNCS/LNAI
Springer style.
Paper submission deadline: June, 24
Notification of acceptance: July, 9
Final version due: July, 27
Works in progress will be published in working notes (Technical
Report of FI MU Brno).
[material deleted]
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:51:48 +0100
Subject: ISKO-7 "Challenges in Knowledge Representation and
Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
June 19, 2001
International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
The Seventh International ISKO Conference
"Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization
for the 21st Century: Integration of Knowledge across Boundaries"
July 10-13, 2002: Granada, Spain
DEADLINE: September 15, 2001
>Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 09:41:59 -0500
>From: Clare Beghtol <beghtol@FIS.UTORONTO.CA>
Please excuse cross-posting. Please note revised dates for the
The Seventh International ISKO Conference. Granada, Spain, 10-13
July, 2002. "Challenges in Knowledge Representation and
Organization for the 21st Century: Integration of Knowledge across
Boundaries." Call for papers.
The need for a worldwide communication system that can retrieve
information efficiently, regardless of national and cultural
boundaries, has become more and more pressing. New electronic
environments (such as the Internet, where the world is at hand,
where all cultures coexist, and where quality is low) have created
this need. These new environments provide significant challenges for
those dedicated to study and research on knowledge representation and
organization. Similarly, the digitalization of information is
responsible for increasing emphasis on the need for integrating models
of knowledge representation and organization. Digitalization allows a
huge amount of information to be stored and retrieved, and the
challenge is to develop models to improve the management of information in
this new framework. Traditional information retrieval
systems face similar problems because we lack retrieval tools designed
to integrate knowledge. In this situation, an in-depth examination of
the integration of knowledge across boundaries is warranted.
Study of the integration of knowledge leads to other important
One of these is the concept of universality. New insights into
universality needs to include topics geared to the revision of the
concept, such as how universality was previously understood in
knowledge organization, and what problems arose as a consequence of
this understanding. Further, we need to move to a consideration of the
concept of universality as it should be understood now, in the
electronic era. How can universality be represented in conceptual
structures? Integration of specialized knowledge across geographic or
cultural domains can be a way to address this unsolved problem.
Related to the same problem are topics such as how the integration of
knowledge affects different subject domains and users, linguistic
issues, and applications that support new models. In addition, we need
to look at equality in knowledge organization. This is an important
aspect for supranational systems, and it means that we need a special
focus on minorities so that we can represent them well in knowledge
structures. At the same time, professional ethics needs to be
reflected within this framework because knowledge organization affects
the way people think about and perceive reality, and minorities and
other similar groups may become invisible or wrongly conceptualized.
Professionals need to be aware of these issues and should be
attempting to solve these problems.
[material deleted]
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 06:53:42 +0100
Subject: Online seminar: Learning Effectiveness, Faculty
Satisfaction and Cost Effectiveness
Faculty Satisfaction and Cost Effectiveness
You are invited to an online Seminar on Learning Effectiveness, Faculty
Satisfaction, and Cost Effectiveness July 20 - August 9. To see details
and to register for the seminar, visit Seminar: Learning Effectiveness,
Faculty Satisfaction, and Cost Effectiveness at The registration fee of $49.95
includes a copy of the book, Online Education, Volume 2: Learning
Effectiveness, Faculty Satisfaction and Cost Effectiveness, formal case
studies about new directions in online learning and program administration.
Pioneers in online education will lead the seminar. The seminar leaders
are from leading institutions in higher education, members of the Sloan
Consortium for asynchronous learning networks.
In September 2000, the Sloan Foundation sponsored an invitation-only
workshop at Lake George in upstate New York. Faculty and staff from
Sloan-funded projects studied issues affecting the evolution of higher
education online, according to the Sloan-C founding principles of effective
learning, student and faculty satisfaction, cost effectiveness and
increasing accessibility. It became clear that the workshop deserved a
wider audience.
Now, with the convenience of asynchronous online delivery, you can join an
invaluable conversation. Participation in the seminar is limited, so sign
up soon. Simply visit the Seminar Registration site
( to preview the seminar topics
and register before July 20, 2001.
Please send your questions or comments to:
We look forward to working with you for higher quality learning online.
Best Regards,
Janet Moore and John R. Bourne
for SCOLE at Olin and Babson Colleges
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