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Date: 12/02/00

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                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 539.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London
       [1]   From:    Eve Trager <etrager@umich.edu>                      (60)
             Subject: The Latest Issue of the Journal of Electronic
       [2]   From:    "Charles W. Bailey, Jr." <cbailey@UH.EDU>           (67)
             Subject: Version 34, Scholarly Electronic Publishing
       [3]   From:    Marian Dworaczek <Marian.Dworaczek@USASK.CA>        (23)
             Subject: Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
       [4]   From:    Carolyn Kotlas <kotlas@email.unc.edu>              (158)
             Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- November 2000
             Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 10:09:43 +0000
             From: Eve Trager <etrager@umich.edu>
             Subject: The Latest Issue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing
    Later today the U.S. Supreme Court will hear representatives of two
    presidential candidates argue about numbers. Counting the numbers has
    dominated presidential politics for three weeks now. Numbers are
    important in electronic publishing, too, and this issue of The
    Journal of Electronic Publishing offers some numbers for your
    consideration. There will be no recounts.
    So here is the December 2000 issue of The Journal of Electronic
    Publishing for your reading enjoyment: http://www.press.umich.edu/jep
    Tenure and Promotion:
    Should You Publish in Electronic Journals?
         Aldrin E. Sweeney, assistant professor of science education
         at the University of Central Florida, has numbers to show
         that faculty and administrators are still on the fence about
    How Scientists Retrieve Publications:
    An Empirical Study of How the Internet Is Overtaking Paper Media
         Bo-Christer Bjvrk and Ziga Turk, editor and one of the
         co-editors of the Electronic Journal of Information
         Technology in Construction, have numbers to show that
         scientists increasingly look to e-journals for information.
    Consortia vs. Reform: Creating Congruence
         Margaret Landesman, the head of collection development at
         the Marriott Library, University of Utah, and Johann van
         Reenen, assistant professor and director of the Centennial
         Science and Engineering Library, University of New Mexico,
         discovered that two of the most popular solutions to the
         serials crisis may cancel out one another.
    How Much Information?
         Peter Lyman, associate dean, and Hal R. Varian, dean, at
         the School of Information Management and Systems at the
         University of California, Berkeley, are trying to count all
         recorded information. They've gotten pretty far.
    When Shall We Be Free?
         Peter Singer, an associate editor of the Canadian Medical
         Association Journal, and Sun Life Chair and Director,
         University of Toronto Joint Center for Bioethics, Toronto,
         Canada, presses his case for the free dissemination of
         research results.
    Q.A.: Access Code Redux
         Contributing editor Thom Lieb suggests ways publishers
         should make their Web sites comply with disability laws.
         Thom also asks JEP readers for help for his next column, on
         privacy policies for e-journals. Please take a few minutes
         to respond to his survey at
    And if you want your thoughts about electronic publishing to count,
    share them in Potpourri: http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/potpourri.html
                 Judith Axler Turner
    The Journal of Electronic Publishing
                   (202) 986-3463
             Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 10:10:09 +0000
             From: "Charles W. Bailey, Jr." <cbailey@UH.EDU>
             Subject: Version 34, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
    Version 34 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
    is now available.  This selective bibliography presents over
    1,250 articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources
    that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing
    efforts on the Internet and other networks.
           HTML: <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html>
           Acrobat: <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.pdf>
           Word 97: <URL:http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.doc>
    The HTML document is designed for interactive use.  Each
    major section is a separate file.  There are live links to
    sources available on the Internet.  It can be can be searched using
    Boolean operators.
    The Acrobat and Word files are designed for printing.  The printed
    bibliography is over 100 pages long.  The Acrobat file is over
    330 KB and the Word file is over 400 KB.
    The bibliography has the following sections (revised sections are
    marked with an asterisk):
    Table of Contents
    1 Economic Issues*
    2 Electronic Books and Texts
           2.1 Case Studies and History*
           2.2 General Works*
           2.3 Library Issues*
    3  Electronic Serials
           3.1 Case Studies and History*
           3.2 Critiques*
           3.3 Electronic Distribution of Printed Journals*
           3.4 General Works*
           3.5 Library Issues*
           3.6 Research*
    4 General Works*
    5 Legal Issues
           5.1 Intellectual Property Rights*
           5.2 License Agreements*
           5.3 Other Legal Issues*
    6  Library Issues
           6.1 Cataloging, Identifiers, and Metadata*
           6.2 Digital Libraries*
           6.3 General Works*
           6.4 Information Conversion, Integrity, and Preservation*
    7 New Publishing Models*
    8 Publisher Issues*
           8.1 Electronic Commerce/Copyright Systems*
    Appendix A. Related Bibliographies by the Same Author
    Appendix B. About the Author
    The HTML document also includes Scholarly Electronic Publishing
    Resources, a collection of links to related Web sites:
    The resources directory includes the following sections:
    Cataloging, Classification, and Metadata
    Digital Libraries
    Electronic Books and Texts
    Electronic Serials
    General Electronic Publishing
    SGML and Related Standards
    Best Regards,
    Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems,
    University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX
    77204-2091.  E-mail: cbailey@uh.edu.  Voice: (713) 743-9804.
    Fax: (713) 743-9811.
             Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 10:10:28 +0000
             From: Marian Dworaczek <Marian.Dworaczek@USASK.CA>
             Subject: Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of 
    The August 1,2000 edition of the "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic
    Sources of Information"  is available at:
    The page-specific "Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of
    Information" and the accompanying "Electronic Sources of Information: A
    Bibliography" (listing all indexed items) deal with all aspects of
    electronic publishing and include print and non-print materials, periodical
    articles, monographs and individual chapters in collected works. This
    edition includes 1,329 titles. Both the Index and the Bibliography are
    continuously updated.
    Introduction, which includes sample search and instructions how to use the
    Subject Index and the Bibliography, is located at:
    This message has been crossposted to several mailing lists. Please excuse
    any duplication.
    *Marian Dworaczek
    *Head, Acquisitions Department
    *University of Saskatchewan Libraries
    *E-mail:  marian.dworaczek@usask.ca
    *Phone: (306) 966-6016
    *Fax: (306) 966-5919
    *Home Page: http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze
             Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2000 10:10:52 +0000
             From: Carolyn Kotlas <kotlas@email.unc.edu>
             Subject: CIT INFOBITS -- November 2000
    CIT INFOBITS	November 2000		No. 29		ISSN 1521-9275
    About INFOBITS
    INFOBITS is an electronic service of the University of North Carolina
    at Chapel Hill's Center for Instructional Technology. Each month the
    CIT's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a
    number of information technology and instructional technology sources
    that come to her attention and provides brief notes for electronic
    dissemination to educators.
    A Vision of the "New Education"
    Survey of Distance Learning Instructors
    Study of World Information Production
    Protecting Visual Content on the Web
    New Publication Features Multimedia Projects
    "All signs indicate that we are on a path to creating a 'new education'
    analogous to the 'new economy.' . . . What is our vision of the 'new
    education'? Is it one of techno-dazzle for its own sake? Not at all.
    Computers and the Internet are simply tools, just as lectures,
    recitations, and homework are tools. . . . The goal is not to replace
    today's educational methods but to enhance them. . . . It's all about
    using technology for what it can do best so that people can be freed to
    do what they do best."
    In "Darwin Goes to College: Educational Competition in the Dot-com
    World" (EDUCAUSE REVIEW, vol. 35, no. 6 November/December 2000, pp.
    12-17) Lehigh University's President Gregory Farrington and Provost
    Roland Yoshida share their vision of how new technologies may change
    traditional colleges and universities in the next few years. The
    article is available online at
    Another article in the same vein in this issue is "Technology, Higher
    Education, and a Very Foggy Crystal Ball," by Brian Hawkins (pp. 65-6,
    68, 70, 72-3). It is available online at
    EDUCAUSE Review [ISSN 1527-6619] is published bimonthly by EDUCAUSE,
    4772 Walnut St., Suite 206, Boulder, CO 80301-2538 USA; Web:
    Annual subscriptions are $24.00 (USA/Canada/Mexico); $48.00 (all other
    EDUCAUSE is an international, nonprofit association whose mission is to
    help shape and enable transformational change in higher education
    through the introduction, use, and management of information resources
    and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and
    institutional management. For more information link to
    A National Education Association (NEA) poll of over 400 instructors who
    teach distance learning courses found that "Faculty teaching distance
    learning courses and faculty teaching traditional courses hold positive
    opinions about distance learning, primarily because distance learning
    courses offer educational opportunities to students who would not
    otherwise enroll in courses. While faculty believe they will be hurt
    financially by distance learning, and financial considerations are very
    important to them, at the current time, their enthusiasm for offering
    an education to more students outweighs these concerns." The full
    report, "A Survey of Traditional and Distance Learning Higher Education
    Members," is available online at
    The NEA is America's oldest and largest organization committed to
    advancing the cause of public education, with more than 2.5 million
    members who work at every level of education, from pre-school to
    university graduate programs. For more information link to
    Protecting and controlling their intellectual property are major
    concerns for instructors putting their course materials on the Web. In
    "Protecting Content on the Web" (CONTENT, issue 9, pp. 24-6), Tony
    Henning describes some of the methods for preventing users from copying
    and reusing images from your website: image "scarring", watermarking,
    public-key cryptography (example: Clever Content;
    http://www.alchemedia.com/), and server control of browsers (example:
    Vyoufirst digital rights management; http://www.vyou.com/). This
    article and others dealing with digital rights management are available
    on the Web at http://www.contentworld.com/magazine/currentissue.html
    Content: Knowledge for the Global Digital Media Community is published
    quarterly by Content World Ventures, 345 Northlake Drive, San Jose, CA
    95117 USA; tel: 408-261-7200; fax: 408-261-7280; email:
    info@contentworld.com; Web: http://www.contentworld.com/
    To subscribe, complete the online form at
    Back issues are available online.
    A study conducted by the School of Information Management and Systems
    at the University of California at Berkeley attempted to estimate how
    much information there is in the world to store and how much storage
    would be needed to store "everything." According to the researchers,
    the "world's total production of information [print, film, optical, and
    magnetic formats] amounts to about 250 megabytes for each man, woman,
    and child on earth." "How Much Information?" is available on the Web at
    CULTIVATE INTERACTIVE is a new Web magazine funded under the European
    Commission's Digital Heritage and Cultural Content (DIGICULT) program.
    This magazine publicizes DIGICULT and other multimedia projects.
    Projects featured in the first two issues include:
    ARCHEOGUIDE -- an augmented reality (AR) reconstruction of the ruins of
    a cultural site's monuments
    DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries -- an open context in
    which an international agenda for future research in the digital
    libraries domain can be developed and continuously updated
    PROACTe (Promoting Awareness and Communication Technologies in
    Education) -- access to information about educational technologies and
    research across Europe.
    Other articles cover networked museums, virtual exhibitions, machine
    translation, and intellectual property rights.
    Cultivate Interactive [ISSN 1471-3225] is a project of CULTIVATE, a
    pan-European network for the Digital Cultural Heritage community
    including IT staff, information professionals, researchers, managers,
    policy makers, libraries, museums, archives, galleries and non-profit
    making organizations. The online magazine is published by UKOLN, the UK
    Office for Library and Information Networking at the University of
    Bath. Issues are available at no cost on the Web at
    For more information about CULTIVAT, link to
    For more information about DIGICULT, see
    For more information about UKOLN, see http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/
    To Subscribe
    CIT INFOBITS is published by the Center for Instructional Technology.
    The CIT supports the interests of faculty members at UNC-CH who are
    exploring the use of Internet and video projects. Services include both
    consultation on appropriate uses and technical support.
    To subscribe to INFOBITS, send email to listserv@unc.edu with the
    following message:
    SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS firstname lastname
    substituting your own first and last names.
    Example: SUBSCRIBE INFOBITS Peter Mayle
    To UNsubscribe to INFOBITS, send email to listserv@unc.edu with the
    following message:
    INFOBITS is also available online on the World Wide Web site at
    http://www.unc.edu/cit/infobits/infobits.html (HTML format) and at
    http://www.unc.edu/cit/infobits/text/index.html (plain text format).
    If you have problems subscribing or want to send suggestions for future
    issues, contact the editor, Carolyn Kotlas, at carolyn_kotlas@unc.edu
    Article Suggestions
    Infobits always welcomes article suggestions from our readers, although
    we cannot promise to print everything submitted. Because of our
    publishing schedule, we are not able to announce time-sensitive events
    such as upcoming conferences and calls for papers or grant
    applications; however, we do include articles about online conference
    proceedings that are of interest to our readers. While we often mention
    commercial products, publications, and Web sites, Infobits does not
    accept or reprint unsolicited advertising copy. Send your article
    suggestions to the editor at carolyn_kotlas@unc.edu
    Copyright 2000, UNC-CH Center for Instructional Technology. All rights
    May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes.
    You are currently subscribed to infobits as: willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk
    To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-infobits-240423M@listserv.unc.edu 

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