14.0220 "Sex, Lies and Cyberspace"; new AHDS director

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Sun Sep 10 2000 - 09:05:59 CUT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0225 new on WWW: computers outsmarting humans?"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 220.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: "Charles Ess" <cmess@lib.drury.edu> (36)
             Subject: FW: Sex, Lies, and Cyberspace

       [2] From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk> (13)
             Subject: new director for the AHDS

             Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 10:34:09 +0100
             From: "Charles Ess" <cmess@lib.drury.edu>
             Subject: FW: Sex, Lies, and Cyberspace

    While I haven't seen the program announced below, I know that at least a few
    prominent CMC researchers were consulted by the producers - it will be
    interesting to see how our (in the collective sense) scholarship may have
    helped shape a media presentation on media...
    I hope HUMANISTS in the U.K. will have an opportunity to view the program,
    and comment to the rest of us with their thoughts and responses. In
    particular: is the program worth ordering for those of us beyond the reach
    of Channel 4?
    Cheers and best wishes,

    Charles Ess
    Professor and Chair, Philosophy and Religion Department,
    Drury University
    900 N. Benton Ave. Voice: 417-873-7230
    Springfield, MO 65802 USA FAX: 417-873-7435
    Home page: http://www.drury.edu/Departments/phil-relg/ess.html
    Co-chair, CATaC 2000: http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~sudweeks/catac00/
    "Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and
    decision difficult." Hippocrates (460-379 B.C.E.), _Aphorisms_, 1.

    <forwarded message>

    Finally.....after much anticipation...

    Sex, Lies, and Cyberspace

    will be broadcast on Channel 4, UK on

    30 September 2000 (a Saturday) at 10:00pm.

    Through the lives of four people living in England, the US, and Holland, our
    film explores the idea that chat rooms speak directly to a variety of human
    instincts that in the real world find few outlets, including the need for
    fantasy play, experimentation and self-exploration, often in the realm of
    sex and sexuality.

    If you live in Britain, don't miss this enlightening programme. If you are
    outside the UK, you can order a copy of the programme by e-mailing Martha at
    info@octoberfims.co.uk . The price of the cassette depends on the volume of
    the orders we receive.

    Press inqueries can be sent to either myself at this address or to the
    director, Henry Singer at henry.singer@octoberfilms.co.uk .

    Happy viewing!

             Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000 10:38:28 +0100
             From: Willard McCarty <willard.mccarty@kcl.ac.uk>
             Subject: new director for the AHDS

    The Arts and Humanities Data Service (U.K.) is pleased to announce that Ms
    Sheila Anderson has been appointed as Director of the AHDS with effect from
    1st September. Formerly Head of the History Data Service (the AHDS Service
    Provider for History), she is currently the Director of Depositor Services
    at The Data Archive. Mr Neil Beagrie, until recently Acting Director of the
    AHDS, is now head of the JISC's Digital Preservation Focus.

    For more information on the AHDS and its activities, see <http://ahds.ac.uk/>.

    Dr Willard McCarty / Centre for Computing in the Humanities /
    King's College London / Strand / London WC2R 2LS / U.K. /
    voice: +44 (0)20 7848-2784 / fax: +44 (0)20 7848-2980 /
    maui gratias agere

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