14.0211 new on WWW: narratology, Internet course, JEP issue

From: by way of Willard McCarty (willard@lists.village.Virginia.EDU)
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 08:51:15 CUT

  • Next message: by way of Willard McCarty: "14.0210 naming God & submarine mysteries"

                   Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 14, No. 211.
           Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

       [1] From: Jan Christoph Meister <jan-c-meister@rrz.uni- (13)
             Subject: NarrNet

       [2] From: "Luigi M Bianchi" <lbianchi@yorku.ca> (23)
             Subject: Internet course on "Computers, Information and

       [3] From: Eve Trager <etrager@umich.edu> (91)
             Subject: The Latest Isssue of the Journal of Electronic

             Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 09:37:36 +0100
             From: Jan Christoph Meister <jan-c-meister@rrz.uni-hamburg.de>
             Subject: NarrNet

    Dear Colleagues,

    NarrNet - short for NARRatology NETwork - is a new website for
    researchers and students with an interest in Narratology.


    You are cordially invited to peruse, comment, criticize and - last not least -

    Jan Christoph Meister
    Narratology Research Group
    University of Hamburg

             Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 09:39:47 +0100
             From: "Luigi M Bianchi" <lbianchi@yorku.ca>
             Subject: Internet course on "Computers, Information and Society"


    although I am a theoretical physicist by vocation and training, I had the
    good fortune of being educated in Italy, when high school was still
    predicated on the belief that the humanities are the best preparation
    possible for the sciences. I hope this spirit may have percolated in the
    internet course on "Computers, Information and Society",
    http://www.yorku.ca/sasit/sts/nats1700/ , which I have just finished
    preparing. Although it is offered for credit at my university, it is open
    to everyone, and some of the Humanist readers my find it of some interest.
    Please do keep in mind that it is part of our program of General Education,
    which seeks to provide freshmen with a broad, but critical exposure to the
    humanities, the natural sciences, philosophy, and the social sciences. I
    will of course be grateful for any comments, criticism and suggestions
    anybody may have to offer.



    Luigi M Bianchi


       Luigi M Bianchi
        Science and Technology Studies
        Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies
        York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J-1P3
        phone: +1 (416) 736-5232 fax: +1 (416) 736-5188
        mail: lbianchi@yorku.ca http://www.yorku.ca/sasit/sts/

             Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 09:41:06 +0100
             From: Eve Trager <etrager@umich.edu>
             Subject: The Latest Isssue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing


    In a departure from our usual focus on who has been doing what in
    electronic publishing, and how well it has worked, we have turned this
    issue of JEP over to James A. Inman and his colleagues at Furman
    University, who recently hosted a conference to explore how information
    technology is affecting The Academy.

    The articles are nominally about technology in teaching, but really they
    are about intellectual development and the information technologies that
    enhance it, social development and the information technologies that
    advance it, and the ways the Internet and electronic publishing and
    communication challenge and change our views of ourselves. This goes
    straight to the heart of electronic publishing, and will help us see why we
    do what we do.

    So here is the September 2000 issue of The Journal of Electronic Publishing
    for your edification:

    Editor's Gloss: Looking to the Future of Liberal Education
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/glos0601.html James A. Inman, Hayden
    Porter, William Rogers, and Dan Sloughter, all of Furman University, have
    put together the best papers from a national symposium, "New Information
    Technologies and Liberal Education," to remind us that the work we publish
    electronically has its enthusiastic and devoted advocates.

    The Engaged Learner: Strategies for Helping Liberal Arts Students Become
    More Active Learners Online http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/cain.html
    Richard Cain of Wheeling Jesuit University argues for careful and
    responsible liberal-arts pedagogy for online environments.

    Who's On-Line?: Gender Morphing in Cyberspace
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/desser.html Daphne Desser of the
    University of South Carolina explores how electronic spaces are gendered,
    using examples of chat sessions from her teaching.

    The Ideology of Ease http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/dilger.html
    Bradley Dilger from the University of Florida writes that making computers
    "easy" may also make them less useful.

    Anthropology and International Education via the Internet: A Collaborative
    Learning Model http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/hamada.html Tomoko
    Hamada and Kathleen Scott describe a collaborative classroom experience
    between students at their institution, the College of William and Mary, and
    at Keio University.

    Accessing the Virtual Worlds of Cyberspace
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/hawisher.html In the text from her
    keynote address, Gail E. Hawisher from the University of Illinois at
    Urbana-Champagne points out that when users are involved in creation, the
    Web becomes a potent medium for integration and enhancement.

    Wired on a Shoestrong: A Site and Some Insights
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/jones.html Billie J. Jones from
    Pennsylvania State University - Capital College makes recommendations for
    teaching and learning with technology.

    The Authority of Experience: Assessing the Use of Information Technology in
    the Classroom http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/mack.html Pamela E. Mack
    and Gail Delicio, both from Clemson University, delve into the ways
    information technology can help students trust their own knowledge.

    Collaborative Learning and Cultural Reproduction in Cyberspace: Publishing
    Students in Electronic Environments
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/payne.html Darin Payne of the
    University of South Carolina reflects on the critical awareness of
    electronic spaces.

    Andes: An Intelligent Tutor for Classical Physics
    http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/06-01/schulze.html Kay G. Schulze, Robert N.
    Shelby, Donald J. Treacy, and Mary C. Wintersgill of the United States
    Naval Academy; Kurt VanLehn from the University of Pittsburgh; and Abigail
    Gertner from The MITRE Corporation describe an innovative physics-tutorial

               Paradigms Restrained:
               Implications of New and Emerging Technologies
               for Learning and Cognition
    Mary B. Shoffner, Georgia State University; Marshall Jones,
    University of Memphis; and Stephen W. Harmon, Georgia State
    University conclude that it is the underlying pedagogical
    and not the delivery mechanism, that most affects what
    students learn.

            Learning From the Newbies
    Contributing editor and Towson University professor Thom
    Lieb reports
    on an ambitious effort by three Towson classes to create a
    Web site


                 Judith Axler Turner
    The Journal of Electronic Publishing
                   (202) 986-3463

    Judith Axler Turner Director of Electronic Publishing
                       TURNER CONSULTING GROUP
                 V: (202) 986-3463 F: (202) 986-5532
            mailto:judith@turner.net http://www.tcg-inc.com
           TCG: Pioneers in Web Security and Personalization

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