[1] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (49)
Subject: NLP Research Position in Australia
[2] From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu> (35)
Subject: research fellowship
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 08:55:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
Subject: NLP Research Position in Australia
>> From: Robert Dale <rda@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
*** Apologies in advance for multiple appearances in your mailbox ***
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia --
Research Position in The Microsoft Research Institute's Language
Technology Group
Position Reference 18455: Application deadline is *5 June 1998*
The Language Technology Group at Macquarie University's Microsoft
Research Institute in Sydney, Australia, is seeking a postdoctoral
researcher to work in the area of intelligent information extraction
and presentation.
The LTG takes a results-oriented approach to research: our goal is to
contribute to the generation of practical solutions to real
problems. The position we have available focuses on the development of
techniques for overcoming the information overload exacerbated by the
recent growth of the Internet; we require someone who has experience
of developing NLP-related techniques either for the analysis of
existing textual or database content (for example, using information
extraction techniques) or for the creation of new content (for
example, using natural language generation techniques). The appointee
will play a key role in further developing our research in this area,
and will also be expected to participate more broadly in the
activities of the Language Technology Group. The appointee can expect
to spend approximately 50% of their time on group-related project
activity, and 50% of their time developing their own research
Applicants must have a PhD in an area closely related to Natural
Language Processing, or have equivalent experience. The applicants
should have a track record of publication in natural language
processing or a closely related area and a demonstrated ability for
independent research. Preference will be given to applicants who can
demonstrate practical abilities in the construction of linguistic
technologies: some experience in developing information extraction
tools, in the use of robust parsing techniques, and in using text
generation tools would be desirable.
Enquiries and further information: Associate Professor Robert Dale,
Director, on +61 2 9850 6331 or email Robert.Dale@mq.edu.au or refer
to http://www.mri.mq.edu.au.
The position is available from July 1998 for a fixed term of one year
with the possibility of further appointment subject to availability of
funding and satisfactory performance.
Salary range: Level B A$47363 to A$56245 per annum increasing to
A$49965 to A$58776 per annum from 1 January 1999. Applications close
5 June 1998. Applications, including full curriculum vitae, visa
status, and the names and addresses of three referees should be
forwarded to the Recruitment Manager, Personnel Office, Macquarie
University, NSW 2109 by the closing date. Applications will not be
acknowledged unless specifically requested. Women are particularly
encouraged to apply. Equal Employment Opportunity and No Smoking in
the Workplace are University Policies.
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:02:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David L. Gants" <dgants@english.uga.edu>
>> From: Ruslan Mitkov <R.Mitkov@wlv.ac.uk>
SELECT Project - Research Fellow in Language Engineering
(Fixed Term, 12 months)
14648 - 19267 UK pounds per annum (pro rata) depending on
age, qualifications and experience.
The School of Languages and European Studies at the University of
Wolverhampton wishes to appoint a Research Fellow to work on the
EU Framework IV Language Engineering Project SELECT - a high-profile
international Telematics project involving Klett in Germany, Giunti in
Italy and the University of Poitiers in France. The Research Fellow's
responsibilities will focus on the development of the "Language
Learner's Workbench" (LLW). The aim of the LLW is to develop
an electronic resource-based tool which will assist business users to
learn and use foreign languages. The tool will involve working with
material in French, English and Portuguese. It will also give the user
access to Web-based and intranet-based language learning material. The
LLW will be developed in collaboration with IAI, Saarbruecken and OFAI,
Vienna. For more information on the LLW and SELECT, visit
We are looking for researchers with proven experience in NLP and Corpus
Linguistics and with programming skills. Candidates should preferably
have a knowledge of one of the target foreign languages and fluency in
English. The successful candidate may apply to be registered for a
higher degree on a part-time basis.
For further information about the project, please contact Prof. Stephen
Hagen (s.g.hagen@wlv.ac.uk) and for specific information about the
Language Learner's Workbench - Prof. Ruslan Mitkov (R.Mitkov@wlv.ac.uk)
Formal applications must be made to:
The Personnel
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton WV1 1SB
and must include a completed application form (to be requested at
per@wlv.ac.uk; please quote reference number A1628), a full CV and
reference to one or two relevant publications.
Please note the closing date for applications for this post is
12 June 1998.
Humanist Discussion Group
Information at <http://www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/humanist/>