11.0305 searching mss.

Humanist Discussion Group (humanist@kcl.ac.uk)
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 08:46:13 +0100 (BST)

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 11, No. 305.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London

[1] From: "Espen S. Ore" <Espen.Ore@hd.uib.no> (13)
Subject: Re: 11.0298 searching mss.?

[2] From: Kevin Kiernan <kiernan@beowulf.engl.uky.edu> (32)
Subject: searching manuscripts

Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 22:45:17 +0200
From: "Espen S. Ore" <Espen.Ore@hd.uib.no>
Subject: Re: 11.0298 searching mss.?

At 23:34 +0100 25-09-97, Humanist Discussion Group (Willard) wrote:
>On behalf of a colleague I would like to collect any information about
>current work in making manuscript images searchable by computer. I recall
>someone describing how it was possible to calculate with fair degree of
>accuracy the location on a mss. page-image of a specified word. I don't mean
>searching a transcription, then displaying the mss. page for the
>corresponding form to be located by eye, but a technique that would fetch up
>the page and point to the location.

At the ALLC-ACH '94 in Paris Andrea Bozzi from Pisa gave a paper where he
showed how this could be done for a certain type of manuscript (reference
works if my memory doesn't let me down completely). Not all the abstracts
from that conference are completely available, but Andrea Bozzi told me
that the paper was in fact published in a journal somewhere.


Date: Fri, 26 Sep 97 18:30:46 EDT
From: Kevin Kiernan <kiernan@beowulf.engl.uky.edu>
Subject: searching manuscripts

> On behalf of a colleague I would like to collect any information about
> current work in making manuscript images searchable by computer. I recall
> someone describing how it was possible to calculate with fair degree of
> accuracy the location on a mss. page-image of a specified word. I don't
> mean searching a transcription, then displaying the mss. page for the
> corresponding form to be located by eye, but a technique that would
> fetch up the page and point to the location.
> Thanks for any hints.
> WM


Colleagues here in Computer Science are developing a means of searching
manuscripts for subregions which match examples provided by a user.
Samples of a letter form, for instance, form the basis for a search of
a digitized manuscript for subportions which resemble the letter form
samples. The search process and the criteria which need to be satisfied
to declare that a match has been found are all being studied.

A researcher from the Univ. of Kentucky, Brent Seales, will be making a
presentation on these topics at the Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo this

Kevin Kiernan


Kevin S. Kiernan ~ e-mails: kiernan@pop.uky.edu
Department of English ~ kiernan@beowulf.engl.uky.edu
University of Kentucky ~ FAX: 606.323.1072
Lexington, KY 40506 ~ Phone: 606.257.6989

WWW: http://www.uky.edu/~kiernan/BL/kportico.html

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